Chapter 1

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"We got new neighbors?" Luke asked his family as he watched a car then moving van pull into the driveway next door.

"Guess so," North murmured as he frowned. "That car sounds messed up."

"Don't start," Owen shook his head. "We should go introduce ourselves first and be nice."

"Miss Masters," Liza pulled her daughter out of the car seat to see a man by her car with a clipboard in his hand but looking behind her.

Liza turned around, her wavy dark brown hair masking her face for a minute before she pulled it behind her ear to see fourteen men heading her way.

"Hello, I'm Owen Blackbourne," Owen said after straightening his tie then extended his hand out. He wore a three piece suit and had grey eyes that made her think of steel. He wore black rimmed glasses and his aura just screamed authority.

"Liza Masters," She said softly shifting her four year old to his hip before shaking his hand.

"This is Dr. Sean Green," he said motioning to the green-eyed blonde-haired man next to him who had a huge smile on his face. "This is North Taylor," he motioned to the man dressed in all black and had dark eyes and lip rings on each side of his bottom lip. She thought it was called snake bite piercings. "His brother Lucian Taylor," he motioned to the man that looked like he was a model with his blonde hair and brown eyes.

"I'm older," Lucian smirked while North rolled his eyes.

"Only by six months," he huffed making her frown in confusion, "we're half."

"Oh," she whispered.

"I'm Nathan Griffin," The red head smiled making his blue eyes light up.

"I'm Silas Korba," the man next to North nodded. While he also had dark hair and dark eyes, he wore a dark blue shirt and blue jeans instead of being in all black like North. "I'm Greek," he chuckled when he noticed her eyes widen at his accent.

"I'm Gabe Coleman," The man wearing a bright orange shirt smirked. His blue eyes held playfulness and mischievousness. He had multiple earrings and rings and his dark hair was to his shoulders yet there were two blonde streaks in the front that reminded her of Rogue from X-Men.

"I'm Kota Lee," the man that had black rimmed glasses like Owen smiled softly. He had green eyes and dark brown hair. "And this is Max," he patted the golden retriever that was sitting next to him while wagging his tail.

"Doggie!" her daughter beamed and bounced on her hip. "Mommy, doggie!"

"I see, Kiairi, I see," Liza smiled softly.

"I pat?" Kiairi asked.

"You can," Kota smiled, "he loves pats."

Liza knelt down and held her daughter's hands, "remember what I told you?" Kiairi's brown waves bounced as she remained in her mom's arms.

"I wait," She repeated softly and Liza smiled.

"Go ahead Max," Kota patted his head and Max stood then slowly took a few steps forward then smelled the little girl's fingers making her giggle when he placed his head under her hands.

"Gently, Kiairi," Liza instructed as she slowly pulled her hands away from her daughter's yet kept a careful eye on her.

"She's fine," Kota smiled. "We go to the hospital and visit children all the time."

"Mommy, me wike," She beamed as Max licked her cheek making her laugh.

"I'm glad," She smiled softly.

"You can play ball with him if you want," Kota said as Luke handed him a ball. She squealed in happiness as she took the ball from Kota and threw it as far as her four-year-old arms let her. Max took off for the ball and brought it back dropping it in front of the little girl and barked excitedly. She threw it again and again.

"I'm Victor Morgan," the man next to Kota smiled gently. He had brown eyes that lit up like fire and soft brown hair. She looked up at him shocked, "You recognize me?"

"I played your music for Kiairi when she was inside me, it was the only thing that calmed her down so I could get some sleep," she admitted softly. "She listens to your music as she goes to bed."

"And what about you?" he asked curiously.

"I listen to it occasionally," she nodded.

"And I'm Axel Toma," The Native American next to Victor said softly. His hair was braided and he had a dream catcher tattoo on his forearm.

"I Russian, I Raven," the man next to him smirked slyly. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair. He had a lip piercing in the middle of his bottom lip and she could see some sort of tattoos sticking out from under his sleeves on his brown tee shirt.

Next to him were identical twins and she briefly wondered how she would be able to tell them apart.

"I'm Corey Henshaw and this is Brandon," Corey smiled gently. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes and Corey wore a pale yellow almost white tee while Brandon were a dark red tee.

"And I'm Marc Weiland," the man with one blue eye and one green eye smiled. He had brown hair and held coffee in his hand. "I make my own coffee so if you ever want some, I'm your man."

"Ugh, don't tempt me," She smiled as she watched her daughter kick the ball and laugh as Max chased after it. "I'd be knocking at 5 every morning then."

"I'm up at that time," He chuckled, "It's no problem, I swear."

"Miss Masters?" The man with the clipboard called out.

"I'm sorry, it was nice to meet all of you," She said nodding, "I'll try and remember your names, but I apologize ahead of time if I get it wrong. Kiairi, come along."

"Mommy me pay doggie," Kiairi pouted.

"Another day, Baby Girl, he needs to rest," Liza smiled. "You can play with him again another day."

"Fine me no wike," Kiairi pouted as she stomped over to her mother.

"It's his nap time," Kota chuckled. "I'm sorry."

"Oh," She gasped. "Otay, Mommy," She turned to Liza, "Me nap time too? Piano peas?"

"In just a bit I'll get your piano music, okay?" Liza smiled gratefully at Kota who barely nodded. "Let me see what the movers have to say then I'll get you set up. Tell Max and his daddies bye and maybe you can play later."

"Bye Bye, Fwends," Kiairi waved as Liza walked over to the movers.

"Bye Bye," They waved.

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