Chapter 42

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Liza felt fingers run through her hair as she slowly woke up. "Sorry," she yawned as she sat up.

"Don't be," Silas chuckled. "We wore you out, you've been with half of us now, Angelos Mou. That's honestly more than we were expecting right now."

"Ow," she whimpered as she stretched.

"Think it's time to take this pretty gem out," Axel smirked as he walked over to them. "Come on, Doll, Gabe is starting you a bath. It'll help relax those sore muscles."

"Kay," she murmured as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mhmm," she hummed as she relaxed even more into his hold. He chuckled and kissed her hair as he carried her into the bathroom. She gasped as Axel lowered them into the warm water. He chuckled as he watched Gabe pull her hair up into a messy bun.

"I'm going to slowly remove this, okay?" Axel asked as she felt him grab the stone. She nodded and he smiled, "just stay nice and relaxed, Doll."

"I am," she whispered as she continued to lay head in the crook of his neck. "All comfy."

"Good," he smiled as he rubbed her back while slowly pulling the plug out. She moaned as it slipped out of her. "There you go, you did such a good job, Love."

"Thank you," she whispered as she shifted, "Kind of feels weird now."

He chuckled, "yeah but it'll pass soon. Let's just lay here and relax for a bit."

She nodded and sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around her. "Kyler and Kiairi?" She whispered as she melted into his hold even more.

"Staying with Momma Erica and Jess for the weekend," Axel smiled as he continued running his fingers up and down her spine. "She's making sure Kiairi stays with Jess but none of us are going to be surprised one bit if Jess and Kyler end up together eventually."

"Would be cute," She mumbled softly. "But what about—"

"Let's not think about them right now, Doll," Axel smiled as he kissed her forehead when she looked up at him. "Now is the time to let your body relax."

"How's your hand, Pookie?" Sean asked as he entered the bathroom. "And your body? Now that you are coming down from having fun, how are you feeling?"

"Sore but good?" she asked with an uncertain tone. "Just want cuddles right now."

"Okay but if you start to hurt, please tell me so I can take care of it," Sean said softly as he took her hand and gently curled her fingers then released them. "I don't want you hurting."

"Oh, that feels good," she moaned as he massaged her hand and wrist.

"Don't start, Pookie," Sean chuckled, "you are too sore right now and need to be relaxing."

"Sorry," she pouted making Axel and Sean smirk.

"Don't ever be sorry for being cute," Sean smiled. "Besides just think, now that the kids are away, we have the whole weekend to relax and play."

"Maybe," she said softly.

"What do you mean, Doll?" Axel asked curiously.

"Kiairi has never been away from me that long before," she admitted. "She has seen me tuck her in before work and woken up to it just being Kyler but never for a whole day, much less a weekend. I know she's safe with Erica and she will have Kyler but still, I just don't know how she will handle being away from me that long."

"You might be surprised," Axel chuckled, "but even if she wants to come home before the weekend, that's fine. You are our wife, we have the rest of our lives to be together."

She looked up at them and sniffled, "What?" Sean asked, shocked. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and smiled, "Nothing. Just thank you."

"For?" Axel and Sean asked at the same time.

"Being okay with Kiairi coming home early if she needs to," she whispered. "Not getting upset—"

"Oh Pookie," Sean sighed and leaned over to kiss her nose. "We will never be upset if our children need to come home and be with us. Never."

She sniffled again and hugged him, "You said our."

He chuckled, not caring one bit she just soaked his shirt, "they are ours, Liza."

"It's still weird hearing but I like it," she smiled, "a lot."

"Good because we like saying it," Axel chuckled. "Come on, the water's getting cold. Let's get out and watch a movie for a bit."

"Okay," she smiled and stood cautiously. "Oh...legs wobbly."

Sean chuckled and held his hand out. "Hold on, Pookie, I got you." Axel and Sean helped her step out of the tub and Sean had her put her hands on his shoulders to keep herself steady while he dried her off. They worked together to get her dressed then Axel quickly dressed. Sean scooped her up bridal style and carried her back to the basement. She smiled when she saw everyone dressed in comfy lounge clothes and Corey was trying to find a movie, they all would watch. It was perfect.

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