Chapter 3

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"Oh Kyler," Liza gasped as she gripped his arm.

"Go Momma, now," Kyler grabbed her, "You're swaying. I got Kiairi. Go with Doc."

"Pick her up," Sean said holding her wrist, "Nathan, set up the nebulizer."

"Got it Doc," Nathan nodded rushing back to the mansion.

"I got her," North said picking her up bridal style.

"I'll go with Kyler," Luke said while Raven nodded and followed him.

"Set her down gently," Sean instructed as North sat her down on the couch and Sean put the mask over her nose and mouth. "Try and relax, Liza."

"Ki...Ki...Ky...Ky," She gasped as she tried to remove the mask.

"We are right here Momma," Kyler said as he came into the room with Kiairi on his hip. "Relax, we're here, we're okay."

"Can I ask you some questions?" Owen asked as he came into the room.

"My father's an ass who is pissed that Mom, isn't putting up with his shit anymore," Kyler sighed then rolled his eyes at Liza glaring at him, "I'm sorry Momma I'm just upset. I'll try and quit cussing."

"You need to take a shower and get cleaned up to get the grass off of you," Sean said feeling her pulse. "Your breathing is better, but it will improve even more after you get the grass washed off."

"Thank you," She whispered through the mask.

"Go Momma, I got her," Kyler nodded once Sean removed the mask. "We'll stay here so take your time. I know you need it."

"Kyler, are you sure about this?" She asked as she weakly stood. The guys could tell she was asking about something more than watching his younger sister, but they knew it wasn't the time to pry.

Kyler chuckled as he sat Kiari down who was squealing in happiness at Max as he came in from outside. She took the ball from Luke and began rolling it on the floor so Max could play with her.

"It's fine Momma, I promise," he nodded. "I know what I'm doing. Go."

She nodded and Gabe rushed to another room then came back, "use this when you walk over to help not breath it in," he said handing her a mask. "I use this when I paint sometimes. It f...freaking helps."

"Thank you," She whispered as he put it on her then she left.

"Is everything okay?" Axel asked and Kyler nodded.

"Yeah," He rolled his eyes while keeping an eye on his sister, "my father is just a narcissistic asshole who is pissed that he can't control my mother anymore."

"May I inquire about that statement he made?" Owen asked. "About your mother and sister?"

"Oh that," Kyler scoffed, "No no, Sissy, we don't climb that," he said quickly grabbing her from the book case where she was trying to reach something.

"Tanee, Bubba, tanee," she pouted. "Me wan tanee."

"Where's candy?" North asked glaring at Luke who refused to look at him. "Lucian?"

"Anyway," Owen cleared his throat, "you were saying?"

"Mom is not my biological mother," Kyler said after he sat her down once Gabe pulled out some coloring books and crayons. "Appreciate it," he said and Gabe nodded as he sat down with Luke to color with Kiairi. "My birthmother chose drugs over having a family and it finally got to her. Fine by me, never met her and never wanted to. Momma came into my life when I was three and became my mom when I was four. She's the only mom I've known and she is my mother. The asshat seems to think that since she left him she loses that right but fu...fudge that, she is my mom. He tries to deny my sister so he won't have to pay child support. Plus he thinks since she caught him cheating she cheated as well but I know that's bullshit. She works two jobs to provide for us since he refuses to pay for anything. He supported her while she went to college and now he thinks she would support us as payback. Like I said asshat. Since she left, she is now working three jobs to provide for her, Kiairi, and she is also forcing me to only work part time so I can focus more on college."

"And the whole consequence thing?" Victor asked.

Kyler scoffed again, "I'm supposed to have an inheritance from my grandparents that I receive when I turn 18 but I doubt I really have it. I wouldn't be surprised if he blew through that a long time ago, he just likes to try and hold it above me as another form of control. I'm not worried about it, I work side jobs here and there to save up and also help Mom when I can. We'll manage just fine, just need this divorce to finalize so he can stay the fu...heck away for good."

"Excuse me," North mumbled as he stood and walked out.

A few minutes later they heard the lawn mower start up and Kyler frowned. "I'll go help," Nathan and Axel said as they walked out.

"Who cares for Kiairi while she works and you go to school and work?" Victor asked.

"Day care," Kyler shrugged like it was an obvious answer. "But now that I'll be living with her, I'll be able to help out more." He noticed Kiari was getting antsy. "Getting hungry Sissy?"

"Yep," she nodded.

"Come on, let's go get food in your tummy," he smiled. "Pick up time."

"Pick up, pick up," She sang as she helped pick up the crayons, "pick up good, pick up fun, look all done!"

"Very good," Kyler smiled, "now tell them bye, we can come play later. Thanks for helping with the lawn and her allergic reaction."

"No problem," Sean smiled and held out an inhaler, "here in case she needs it."

Kyler nodded, stuck it in his pocket and picked up his sister. They left and the remaining family members let out low whistles.

Owen stood, "Excuse me."

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