Chapter 6

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I moved to stand up and looked around for an exit. I saw a window outside my cell; it would be perfect if I could get out the cell I’m trapped in.  I tried shaking it, punching it, even breaking the lock but it was no use. I leaned against the back wall staring at nothing, deep in thought.

Hmmm . . .  how to escape? I really should have thought this plan through aye. Oh well I work best when I’m improvising. I smiled smug when I remembered some of my on-the-spot-quick-thinking when I was a kid. I would always get away with the trouble I caused because I came up with the most brilliant excuse. Like, one time I had disobeyed my mother and gone out to a friend’s house. Turned out to be a bad idea, because, when we were playing he broke his mother’s favourite vase. It had nothing to do with me, nothing at all, but still my mum got mad at me. I remember pouting feeling completely guilty but I didn’t think I should be responsible for something he done so I came up with the excuse . . . ‘but mummy, I swear I didn’t touch it. I was playing with my dolls in his room, and I heard glass breaking so I went to check.’ The problem was that I was actually chasing him for stealing my dolls when he broke that glass so I was only half lying. But I swear, it wasn’t my fault!

Or I remember the time when I got pulled up by a cop. I . . . kinda . . . maybe ran a red light, totally by accident. He was gonna give me a ticket before he asked why I ran it. I said . . . ‘Sorry sir, I’m colour blind’ and I worked like a charm. He had no idea what to say to that and let me go. It was hilarious!

Anyway back to the present. What can I do to escape from this shit hole? My eyes looked to the door, when I heard growls starting to emit from above, and I noticed the guard by the door looking bored as hell and about to fall asleep. I felt the urge to snap my fingers like everyone does when they have that ‘That’s it’ moment.

Anyway . . . he was my key to getting out. I just needed to control his mind and it will be like he was leading me somewhere. Brilliant!

I found his mind easily and got control over it. Wow, either he is really bored or just doesn’t care about blocking his mind. He looked to be in a semi daze as I made him walk to my cell and unlock the door. I smiled at him waving my hand in his face. Haha he was so dazed he kinda resembled a zombie.

I walked passed him and out the basement doors making him follow. I trekked slowly, sneaking around the house to find the back door. I keep my mind open to hear where people are so I can avoid them. I had to make him seem like he was attacking me or something when people came so we didn’t seem out of place, before heading to the back door. It seemed to be the easiest thing alive to do and not get detected. These rogues must be pretty stupid if they can’t smell my scent. Idiots!

I made it out the back and to the tree line with no problems. I told him to go back down to the basement where we were before releasing him of my mind control.

I scouted the area getting a feel of their grounds and fighting abilities before shooting back home to the castle. I hadn’t thought I ran this far from the castle but it seems I ran about 140 miles out. Way out of the kings’ territory. No wonder I got caught. Actually that was willingly. I was in their unclaimed territory.

When I made it back into his territory I was immediately ambushed by six wolves all growling dangerously at me. I answered with a bigger growl than all of them combined and they quickly submitted. Some were on the ground, paws covering eyes, some showing their belly and some had shifted back to human falling to their knees whimpering and whining.  I bowed to them showing I meant no harm before taking off leaving them in the dust, literally. I kicked up dirt by accident. I reached the back door in 12 minutes with the guards trying to catch up, from behind me, but I heard a commotion in the auditorium, so decided to go there. As I got closer I heard the king’s voice boom in the air stating the rules of the competition.

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