Chapter 2

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I found my way outside needing to go for a run. I needed to let off some steam before the ball. If I didn’t I would most likely hurt someone. That wouldn’t go down well for the pack. So when I got to the tree line I stripped and shifted to my silver and white wolf. All werewolves were taller than normal wolves so you can identify us easier. I loved my wolf; I thought we looked quite beautiful. Our two colours blended together so it made us look like I was a flame. A glowing white flame, everyone complimented my wolf and she basked in the attention soaking it all up. We were prideful creatures so she loved it. Me . . . not so much.

I started a little jog just taking in the beautiful scenery. The trees were huge all standing tall with their green leaves swaying slightly in the wind. I breathed in deeply taking in the smell of pine and dirt. The birds chirped happily a few metres away from me and I saw a few bunnies running away at the sight of me. My wolf chuckled and continued jogging until I was sprinting through the forest scaring all the animals away from the danger.

It was exhilarating the speed we run, dodging all the obstacles in the way. Jumping over logs and running in a zigzag pattern to avoid trees. I was panting slightly, just running until I came across a waterfall. I stopped mesmerized. It was amazing; there were grass and some flowers sprouting from the edges of the water and some rocks creating a small cliff that overlooks the area and flowing down into the crystal clear water below splashing softly was the small waterfall. A field was surrounding the pond before the treeline starting again. This place gave a sense of serenity.

Softly trudging into the field I walked to the pond looking in to see fish swimming about. Red, orange, yellow, blue, many different colours swan around in the water not noticing the shadow I created. Dipping my head I lapped up some water, refreshing myself from the run before heading to the middle of the field turning in circles memorizing my new sanctuary.

I stopped facing the pond again and laid down closing my eyes. I sighed and relaxed my body giving in to the peace I felt. Not five minutes later I felt another presence and snapped open my eyes. Looking around the clearing I pulled my lip back exposing my teeth. Still searching, I finally set my eyes on another wolf. It was a male I knew that, and was a very powerful one. I stood tall but relaxed my defensive posture. I tilted my head looking at the male. He slowly moved forward just outside the tree line and sat on his hind. He was stunning with his shinning black fur bristling in the breeze and his sapphire blue eyes. He was larger than me by a head, but strangely I didn’t feel threatened. I then looked in his eyes and I gasped. My wolf’s tail started wagging uncontrollably and my wolf barked playfully. She wanted nothing more but to run to this male and play with him. She wanted to run with him chasing us. I was leaping in the air around in circles barking like and excited dog. Stopping to look at him again I knew why. He watched us amused but I saw another emotion in his eyes. Adoration and love. This was our mate.

Just as I took a step to him, Langdon invaded my mind.

Ciara get back here now. It is 7:15 and you need to get ready for the ball. You’re the one getting introduced as our pack fighter so you can’t be late. Get back here NOW!’ he demanded in his alpha voice.

I whined looking at my mate. I moved my head in the direction of the castle trying to make him understand. He must have known because he ran to me and nuzzled me quickly before nudging me on. I looked at him before I licked his cheek smiling before racing back to the castle. I was feeling giddy and happy, and I couldn’t shake it. My wolf wouldn’t let me, but I had to be realistic. When he saw me, he will most likely look at me in disgust and reject me. I sighed sadly a whimper stuck in my throat.

I found my clothes where I left under a rock and changed quickly. Sighing I took my time heading to the room, but Langdon had other plans. He was waiting with Steph and her mate Levi outside the back doors.

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