Chapter 12

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The next two days were boring to say the least. Sure dad and I talked but it went quiet most of the time both deep in our own thoughts. I couldn’t blame dad for that. he did nearly lose me and I regret ever putting him through that pain. I comforted him and apologised every chance and he said it was ‘fine. That at least I’m still here’ and I would feel even more regretful and ashamed. He really didn’t need all this stress.

The only time we ever saw someone is when a guard would come down with food and water. That was the only contact we had with others.

Right now it was the morning of the third day down here. My ears perked up at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and after a while a shadow came into view slightly blocking the only light source coming from the oil lantern. I couldn’t see his face but I knew it was the king’s personal guard. The king’s pack fighter, the one who got blood on my hand. YUCK! Come to think of it I never really got a good look at him. Oh well can’t dwell on that now since I can’t see his face properly.

‘Come on! The king is waiting for your arrival in the meeting hall. Today is the day of your trial!’ he announced and opened the cell door. He gestured for us to go first making us get up and head out the cell towards the stairs. My muscles were still from sitting most of the time and not being used in a few days. Sitting in a cell could do that to you. It leaves you tranquil but lazy. Well for me it did!

Walking into the light was probably the worst part. Since we been in the dark for three days straight our eyes adjusted to it pretty quickly and the light burnt our eyes. We hissed our displeasure, blinking rapidly to get used to the light. Again!

We were led to the main hall where the ball was held quickly, not letting us have a shower or clean clothes. Right now I couldn’t care but I didn’t exactly like to be filthy!

Once the doors open I heard all the chatter that was going on quiet down till not a sound was heard but our footsteps. I didn’t make eye contact with anyone. I didn’t want to see their reactions and expression from my behaviour a few days ago. It would have had me on edge and my wolf would have come out a bit. She didn’t like when I grew uncomfortable since we hardly ever were and wanted to eliminate the threat. I so did not need that to happen right now even though I had control over my wolf completely.

When we were sat in a chair to the right of the hall I finally look around. The place had changed to accommodate today’s trial. The king was seated in his usual place at the front of the hall. We, my dad and I were placed on the left of him, and then there were ten men on the left of the king like a jury facing the crowd and my father and I. everyone else was seated in rows upon rows facing the king but having perfect view of everything. It really was like a trial. I just wanted to know who the ten men were!

‘Today’ the king interrupted the silence ‘we are here to decide the fate of Ciara Morgan for her behaviour three days ago. I’m sure everyone saw, if not heard, what had happened and we are here to decide appropriate action to take on Miss Ciara Morgan since she is my sons mate. I will have the final say in what happens to Ciara but the council will be giving their input which will be taken into consideration. Now I would just like to say that I believe what Ciara had done, though reckless and dangerous, was justified actions against her mate. Colton had wronged his mate in so many ways and any would have re-acted the same. Now if Colton would like to step forward and describe what happened in his point of view.’ The king stated sitting down when Colton stood with a smirk.

I held back a growl at him when he looked at me with that stupid look! I so wanted to hurt again. How I wish I could. He went on to say that I hurt him for no reason and how I shouldn’t be his mate and he should mate Casey and still have the crown. I growled lowly at that. He didn’t deserve the title and if he mates Casey then the whole werewolf society would have to watch out. I can’t believe he would actually say that though! What was his game?

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