Chapter 8

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The king looked disturbed by this new revelation, with his face drawn in a frown; he released his breath in one big blow. He looked back to me . . .

‘Are you absolutely sure about this. I need to know if you are certain that I have a spy in amongst my people specifically called ‘Maria’.’ He said firmly

‘I’m sorry sir . . .’ I shook my head smiling sadly at him. I didn’t really want to believe that his daughters’ best and most trusted friend could be the spy giving the enemy information. It doesn’t seem . . . what the word? Convincing, No . . . I don’t know.

It was eerily quiet while everyone in the room took in the news, but to me it didn’t seem right. ‘Maria’ has been in the pack for many years. Nine years to be exact making her around 6 or 7 when she joined. She couldn’t be the spy.

‘I can’t believe it . . .’ the queen breathed out in disbelief from her position next to the king.

‘Neither can I . . .’ I murmured under my breath so low I doubt anyone heard me.

Thinking seemed to be what everyone is doing now. The silence in the room grew heavy with anger and grief. It weighed everyone down. I for one don’t truly believe that this ‘Maria’ is the spy I mean it could really be anyone. Not necessarily a ‘Maria’.

Light bulb moment once again. Oh yea I am a genius.

‘What if . . . this ‘Maria’ person is an alias? Like her real name is Maria since that is what the rogues know her as and she took on another name to hide who she is.’ I say enthusiastic.

‘Mmm . . . that could be the case. I certainly hope that is the situation but we would still need to question her at one point in time.’ He seems reluctant to continue this conversation so I change the topic to other important matters.

‘I have other information that could prove to be useful to you. The rogues plan to attack in two months now since your force has more than tripled with the arrival of all the packs. They’re waiting and bidding their time to attack. But they already have a strategy in place. We’ll get to that another time.’ I go and sit down next to my father snuggling up against him still facing the king.

‘What happened that made them change their plans?’ the king asks curious.

‘He found out about the packs visiting but since we don’t know how long we are staying he doesn’t want to take any chances. He has around six men he trusts personally and 650 men altogether. But they also found out something . . .’ I hesitated. I knew that my father and my . . . mate would not like that they knew of my existence and right now I did not want to deal with two angry wolves. I just want food and to sleep. Mmmm that sounds sooo good right about now!

‘. . . they find out?’

Oh shit. They king was talking and here I am day dreaming about food and sleep. Bad Ciara!

‘Ummm . . . I’m sorry . . . I wasn’t really listening. What did you say?’ I smiled sheepishly at the king who raised an eyebrow seemingly not amused.

‘This is important Ciara. What is it they found out that could potentially be a danger to this family and our people?’ he demanded me quite harshly. Something he has never done before.

I narrowed my eyes at him. ‘I am sorry I am not paying attention because I am hungry and tired since I was willingly caught by the enemy to gain information for you!’

His eyes widen in realisation. ‘Oh I am sorry I did not realise. I apologize, it’s just . . . this could help us immensely. We need as much knowledge of our enemy we can and right now you are our biggest asset. But I will let you go have something to eat and get some rest, we will talk when you are re-energized.’ He smiled at me a pink tinge to his cheeks. Aww he’s embarrassed.

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