I Love you, I Wish You Were Mine

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{haven't written in a while but thought I'd give a second option to the accident}

(Angst for anyone who wants to choose :) )

Daichi trembled as he fell to his knees, tears rushing down his face. His best friend slumped in front of him. "Suga! Come on please don't leave yet, I didn't even tell you yet!". His vision blurred while he reached over to Sugawara, wrapping himself around him to find that one glimmer of hope that he was still here, that he somehow was still alive despite everything.

If only I got here quicker, if I just checked in on him, none of this would of happened...

No everything would never of happened if he said how he felt in the first place, back under the cherry blossoms, where the air was crisp.

Sugawara on the other hand only saw darkness. He couldn't move, couldn't speak.
" is this what it feels like to be dead.. alone?"
He sat down and sighed, waiting for whatever happens after death to happen to him.. but it didn't, not yet at least.

Daichi clung to suga as he picked him up and Stumbled to Asahi and Nishinoya, still anxiously waiting in the car, unaware of how far Suga had gone, or how late they possibly were. "Asahi open the door and drive!" Daichi stuttered as the passenger door opened. Asahi's mind went blank as he sped over to the closest hospital, the hospital they only just left to visit Suga earlier.

This was different, they weren't happy, they weren't cheering. No, they were shaking and holding onto suga to get him help. The car swerved into the car park as the doors swung open rapidly. There was no time for chat, it was now or never.

"Someone get a doctor!" Nishinoya yelled as Daichi held onto Sugawara. The three volleyball players were then swarmed with doctors and nurses, taking the pale boy into the emergency room, leaving them alone with their thoughts.

Asahi embraced noya as daichi sat down, staring at his soaked hands.

It's all my fault.

Daichi closed his eyes tight, maybe this has all been a dream, he could just wake up and everything would be fine. He leaned back, tears staining his face as he passed out beside Asahi.
"Excuse me? Sir are you Daichi?". He felt a nudge as he opened his eyes to a doctor. "Y-yeah I'm Daichi Sawamura sir" the doctor nodded and urged him to walk in front of a hospital room labelled 002.

His heart fluttered as he saw the number before turning back to the doctor. "Daichi I'm sorry.." The fluttering quickly turned to a pounding as he trembled, his vision blurring. "We did all we could, but he was too far gone"

"Can you let me see him?", the doctor looked at him "only quickly", Daichi then bolted into the room tears gushing down his face when he had reached the bed. Suga looked so at peace and relaxed, his silver hair resting on the bed. Daichi grabbed his hand and sobbed. His best friend, the happiest member of the team, the man he was going to graduate with, was now gone, lifeless in white sheets.

Sugawara Koshi, why did you leave me so soon

1 Year Later:

Daichi grasped the rose bouquet as he walked through the cemetery, past each endless row of gravestones. He looked down and sat in front of one:

Here lies Sugawara Koshi - Loved Son and Besf Friend

Daichi took a deep breath, laying the roses down. "Hey Suga, it's been a year since you left, I can't say it's gotten any easier" he smiled slightly "Asahi, Kiyoko and I graduated, wish you were there, the second years really stepped it up this year. I drop in occasionally, but it's not the same without you." He paused for a moment, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I miss you, I shouldn't have been stupid and rejected you if I accepted who I really was then none of this would of happened"

I Love you Sugawara Koshi, I wish you were mine

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