The Sight of Familiar Faces

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Sugawara sat up slowly and twisted his body around, sticking his two skinny legs over the side of the bed and contacting the floor. It was cold, and smooth, but mostly cold, as goosebumps run up the silver haired boy's legs and up towards his chest. "Slow and steady" Sugawara thought to himself as he positioned himself to get out of bed and leave. With slow movements, the Doctor helped Suga up out of bed, and towards Asahi and Noya, who waited for him in the doorway.

Asahi's POV:

Noya and I stood in the doorway and waited for our frail friend to take his first steps in 1 whole month. I was glad for him that he woke up, but there was still a dark place that stayed in my mind, the place where my negativity would get the best of me. Back in that darkness, resided the thought that this wouldn't be the last time Suga would try to do this, as long as Daichi was still with Yui, Suga would still feel this way. Even if we tried to stop him, the Hanahaki would still come back and drive Suga to madness. My smile turned to a concerned look. I shook my head and looked back up at Suga, who had his signature smile.

3rd POV:

The three were finally reunited again, after a whole month of loneliness and waiting, they were together and ready to face the world.

A smile bloomed on Suga's face as the three made their way slowly down the hallway and out of the hospital. For the first time in over a month, He was finally able to go back to normal, well as close to normal as he could.

Sugawara took a deep breathe, taking in the new smells around him before looking at his teammates, "So how's the team going?"... Asahi and Nishinoya both stoped in their tracks, "The team...." Asahi looked over at Suga, not wanting to tell him the truth. Of course he didn't want to lie, but the truth would definitely startle him. Asahi took a deep breath, "Suga the team, it's a mess, the first years don't know what to do...and without daichi there mostly, we don't know either". Sugawara's smile slowly formed into a concerned face as the 3 made their way to Asahi's car. "Wait so D-daichi hasn't been coming to practice?" Suga asked as they unlocked the car and got in, "That's correct Suga-San, he hasn't been coming for what, a good two weeks I think, it started know that happened" Noya explains. Asahi pulled over quickly and punches noya in the shoulder, "noya it's a bit early for that, don't mention it right as he just leaves the hospital!". Suga sighed as he leaned back in his seat, drowning out the argument that was occurring just in front of him.

Suga's POV:

Of course it's my fault.
I turned my head and gazed out the window, towards the oak trees that lined the street. My brain snapped back to reality, where the car seemed eerily quiet, no arguments, just plain and awkward silence. Sure there was chatter in the car every now and then, but we all mostly sat and smiled at eachother as we pulled to a stop. Confused , I leaned forward and peered through the front windscreen, trying to get a good view of where we were, "Asahi why are we here?". The taller male smiled and turned around, "You wanted to see the team didn't you?". My eyes watered as I got out of the car as fast as I could and shuffled into the gym, which at this time, was full of surprised faces.

3rd POV

As soon as Suga appeared into the gym, Hinata and the rest of the team run up towards him, embracing him in a warm, but soft hug. They all were relieved that Suga was ok and back with them to play volleyball again. "Welcome back Suga!" Hinata yelled starling Suga slightly, "It's good to be back" he replied smiling. Soon, everyone returned back to practicing their sets and receives, while Suga sat on the bench and watched. If the doctor hadn't of told him to rest up, he probably would be playing, but of course he had to respect the words of his therapist and Doctor and just stayed put.

Suga's POV:

I stood up and shuffled over outside the gym for some fresh air. I took a deep breath before looking down at my stomach and lifting my shirt up slightly, revealing the two medium-sized scars, both reasonably lighter than the rest of my body. My body started to tremble, I hated these marks, I hated this life, no matter if I wanted to stay or not, it was like my life never wanted me to end it.

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