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This story was written seven years ago. I was just 13 years old in middle school bored out of my mind and our school ipads allowed apps to download. Yes, they did allow us to download games too but it was banned a school year after. I was very much into music like Gorillaz and The Beatles at the time and they were the few of my special interests back then.

I written this fic as an admiration to the song it is inspired or based off from though I am aware my writing skills isn't that stellar as it was back then. I was too lazy to go back and revised or not touch it at all for the purpose of  "looking back" on it. My special interests had change very much overtime and I always mention this fic to my current close circle of friends. I let one of my friends read it last night. He read it out loud while I just couldn't control the cringe and laughter but I'm surprise this fic is being read to this day. Thanks to all the readers either laughing at it or positively enjoying it over the years.

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