Part 8

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You went to find Murdoc somewhere and you found him. "Hey (Y/N) " called Murdoc "I chose you a job to do" "why do I have a job?" You asked " you will do the backing vocals and probably duet with faceache" but today there isn't that much work to do. We are going to have a party" he replied "IF YOU MEAN PARTY LIKE IN-" you were cut off by Murdoc "NO NOT LIKE THAT DO YOU HAVE A SICK MIND" he scolded back "oh an actual party got that!!! But there's no one on this island so..." "It's a three person party " you still have a sick mind after he said that (pervert). In the night time the party started
Murdoc brought some drinks that your mom said not to drink. Murdoc gave you a bottle "here" he said "no i cant have that im sorry i prefer being sober" you gave back your bottle. Murdoc just took it he was already drunk. But 2D was drunk as hell. You went back to the room and watched the fishes , sharks and any creature you can think of . 2D came in the room he was so drunk he was behind you.
He hugged you and kissed you. He pushed away and you blushed. You were so embarressed you ordered your friend to leave.

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