Part 25

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"So how was your trip" asked your mom. "It was going very fine. I met a old friend on the way" you replied "Oh who is it!!!" Asked your mom "Oh I saw stupot" "I guess you missed him very much. I heard what happened the other day at school" the conversation was interrupted by a loud knock" your mom was about to get up. "No I will open the door" you went to open the door. You saw 2D "Ello (Y/N)" you jumped hugged him and you also saw Waggy. "Can I speak with your mum" asked Stuart "okay" you replied. He went inside to talk to your mom "hey Mrs.(L/N)" said Stupot. "Oh hi Stuart" replied your mom. "I don't know if yew will accept dis but... can I marry your daughter" you blushed and thought to yourself "why ask this now". "Since you are a good friend to
(Y/N). You can Marry her" stupot picked you up and twirled you around and the both of you smiled as your mom and Waggy applauded.

The End

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