Part 14

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2D woke up "good morning luv" he smiled. You smiled back "good morning".Waggy stole something from Murdoc without him even knowing. You found a record player with bunch of Beatles records you decided to listen to them all. Waggy came in listening to music with you. Stupot came and joined in. It mostly felt like you guys were having some family time by relaxing and listening to music. Murdoc knocked on the door "uh.... Has anyone seen replacement parts for the cyborg???" "Nope" you guys replied. You are a huge beatles fan you would describe each detail of any beatles song. You described Penny Lane as like very cheery and you described While My Guitar Gently Weeps as a very beautiful song. You told stu and little waggy about each song but they don't mind as much. After you guys finished listening all of the records. You went to work working on the album. Murdoc decided to put you as backing vocals and duets. You practice your vocals and 2D also working on his vocals.

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