Part 6

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You and 2D stayed in the room and talked for a while. "Who or what is that thing that looks like noodle???" You asked "tat is a robot Murdoc made tew look like noodle and tew be his servant " he awnsered "I knew it that stupid dullard!!!" You thought. You had an idea that if Murdoc abuses Stuart you will destroy Cyborg Noodle into pieces but you had hatred for the thing anyway. "So how is it like at home???" 2D asked "oh it's fine schools great too!!! We are practicing on our family musical "tats great" said 2D
"But how I'm I going to get home that twat sent someone to kidnap me" you sighed " well I guess I'll go tell that dullard to bring them back" 2D looked out of the window "it's like 12:00 it's sorta pass your bedtime luv" it surprised you how he called you love but you got with it anyway "of course and I am tired " you smiled. "Yew can sleep wit me since yew don't have a place to sleep in" he told you "of course " you layed on his bed and waited till he gets ready. He lays on the bed by "good night (y/n)" said 2D "good night" you said back. As he turned off the lights you suddenly had feelings for him

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