part 4

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Your lifeless body washed up on shore. You were breathing you woke up. You were on a very mysterious island and one you never seen on the news or anykind of footage or media. You saw a lighthouse, boats , docks , and you saw a big white building on a hill. You were thinking someone was living there or some company's headquarters or maybe abandoned on the island. But the sand felt very plastic and the trees looks plastic. You wondered if this island was someone's big art creation and was selling it someone but they never came and got it. You heard someone yelling "their voice is so familiar...." you thought. Suddenly you remembered that yelling voice was Murdoc. You had to hide because you and Murdoc don't get along well. You hid in a very safe spot where Murdoc or anyone can see you. "Put that back face ache!!!!!" yelled murdoc. You wondered whos he yelling at. You saw someone it was 2D!!!! You thought you were in a dream you hit your arm on something hard and it caused a bruise. " alright im cummin" 2D looked really tired. You saw something or someone that looked like noodle "that isn't right noodle disappeared when i was gone and she doesn't even look that young anymore" you said quietly. They went back in the white building. You ran out of the spot you were hiding in and you said "i can't wait to see you again 2D or should i say stupot" .

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