Part 9

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The morning after the party. You woke up but 2D was sleeping with you but his arm was across your boobs. You screamed and accidentally slapped him. He woke up saying "owww" and you gasped. "Im so sorry stu!!!!" you covered your face you didn't mean to hurt your best friend."your alright luv" he said waking up "s-sorry i kissed you last night i was so drunk and I made yew feel uncomfortable" he said blushing "thats ok stu i forgive you" you replied. You gotten mad at your friend for touching your privates "but how the hell did you get in my room!!!!" you gotten so mad at your friend that you wanted to get a bat and smashing cyborg noodle in the head. "Well it was my fault that I made yew uncomfortable in the first place and I should've listened to you I went to bed in the room even though I wasn't" he argued back. You went outside to calm down until you heard crying. You found where the crying came from it was a helpless baby monkey he wasn't taken care of. He looked like a bag of bones he looks like he hasn't eaten for years. You are too soft for animals so you took care of the monkey you named him waggy because he wags his tail when he's happy.

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