Ch. 1 Planning & Concerns

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Lily's P.O.V.
With the disaster of summer the past two years, I'm hoping to go on a vacation with Sunstreaker and our friends. My parents say it's fine and aren't arguing that they have to go with us or how school just ended two days ago.
"... I want our friends and your brother to come with us," I finish.
Sunstreaker sighs, "it might just be Sideswipe who'd be joining us."
He lets me go find Crosshairs and Drift.

I find Crosshairs and tell him my idea. The second I said vacation, I noticed he wasn't sure.
"How about a drive to Florida?" I ask, "I know it's a sixteen-hour drive, but I think we split into a fun two-day drive to our destination."
"I'm surprised you didn't say we should make some detours," Crosshairs points out.
"Um... well, Sunstreaker told me that Jamie is struggling. He told me you two likely won't like this idea, so detours will not happen."
"I'll talk to Drift. We do need to plan. First, we need permission from Optimus, but this is a good idea."
"Not if Drift is going to stress about Jamie."
"Hey, we have a house in Miami," Vivian jumps in, "uh, ok, we think about how it's a good change of scenery for Jamie and everyone else. We bought the house a few months ago."
"Are you trying to buy a house in every state?" Crosshairs asks.
"No, we're fine with the one Joyce had built in Texas, the house in the U.K. and Florida. I'd love to buy a house for Jamie in her dimension, but I know it's impossible, and I technically don't exist there. I'm not sure if Drift would like one in Japan, but then I worry everybot will want a house. If Optimus would allow it."
"Sounds like a good idea, but I get it. You don't want to buy everyone a house, and maybe everyone will understand if you argue the house in Japan is for Drift and Jamie. Ask Drift."
"I am still learning about Jamie, but... I feel like she's gotten worse in the past six months, and that's why you three haven't returned until now?"
Crosshairs sighs, "yes, but the problem is more than how there is a weapons room Jamie can get to even if she's restricted from accessing the room."
I know Jamie has powers, and it sounds like one allows her to go anywhere she wants quickly.
"You two know you can ask Cade and me to stay at one of the locations?" Vivian asks, "you don't have to wait until we decide to stay."
"Unfortunately, Drift thinks Jamie can't come to this dimension. No matter how much she's hurting in her own. I'll go talk to him."

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
Drift is waiting by the medbay. Wonder how much of a hard time Jamie is giving the medics? I feel like now isn't a good time to tell him about the idea of a vacation.
"How much longer do you think this will last?" Drift asks.
I know he's not talking about the medics doing a health check, but how long before we lose Jamie? Even if it ends the adventure and we can't contact her, I fear she'd end her life in her dimension afterward.
Drift tries to wait until Jamie walks out of the medbay, but it doesn't last long. We both go in, hearing arguing.

"... I don't care!" Jamie yells.
Drift goes after her out of the medbay.
The three medics look shocked.
"Uh.... what happened?" I ask.
"She said to let her die," Jasmine says.
"Did she....?"
"No, but I worry she's going to try to get that paper. What the frag is going on in her mind? Or are Drift and Jamie fighting?"
I tell them it's the usual scrap, but leave out the issue that troubles Drift. After what just happened, I know it's illogical to bring up a vacation plus after the Christmas vacation. I ask the medics anyway. All three agree a vacation in this dimension could be good for Jamie. Even staying at the base could be good, but also a risk. I hate how we're preparing an emergency kit along with the medical capsules Drift and I always carry. I'm also worried about Drift.
"... and I worry about you hiding how you're feeling just for him and the others," Ratchet argues.
Others, like my sister, Lightning, the twins, and Rangeblade. I know I shouldn't be happy that our human friends weren't around for the scrap two years ago. Lily is still learning about Jamie and is unsure if her friend, Veronica, will be coming. I text Lily asking her to see if we could let some others join us. Too late for a vacation with most of the Autobots and soldiers.

Rather than answer my text, Lily meets me in the middle of the hallway that leads to the lounge room, medbay, and offices. I follow her to Optimus' office.
Optimus and Lennox had just finished a meeting. Lennox has been worried about Jamie and asks to stay, which Optimus allows.
Lily tells them her idea and how she already got permission from her parents. Of course, I'm asked what I think about this, and Lily already knows the situation, though I don't think she'd leave if asked.
"I was hoping to leave as soon as possible. I'm sorry, I know that means not being able to plan a trip as we did in December —."
"I understand, Lily," Lennox assures her, "that might be better for Jamie. I'll see about planning a beach day for everyone in July or August."
"Optimus, sir, do you think it's a bad idea to let Veronica come? I know she's met Jamie, but...."
Lily knows more than we realize. As much as Jamie wouldn't want this much planning, she hasn't spent much time with Veronica, and Lily knows it's hard for Jamie to make friends. Especially with humans. I'm asked to decide, and I hate telling Lily it's a bad idea, even if it's true. I have second thoughts about this vacation, but Drift and I can handle Jamie.
With Lily now willing to leave — though we know she doesn't want to — I'm asked how Jamie has been doing. Nad enough, she hasn't been doing good, and now I have to add what Ratchet told me. We know how much having Jamie stay here will help, but there are also concerns that can't be dealt with, even if these would be temporary concerns. It's a risk we don't want to take. Even if Jamie likes to be with Drift and me. I hope this vacation helps her.

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