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"You're all alone again."

"... hm."

"Huh, cat got your tongue?"

"... Who are you?"

"I am you, silly."

"Well obviously I can't freaking see you since it's so goddamn dark in here so don't call me silly."

The entity chuckled softly. "Wow, I became a sassy lady."

"You're a hallucination aren't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"That's just another way to say that you are my hallucination."

The other one chuckled again. "I don't know, this is beyond my knowledge. Are youhallucinating or not? It depends on you."

"... I don't know."

"... Do you think Akashi will come back?"

"Of course he will! He promised to help me!"

"Ah, that's good of him."

"And here I thought you were a bad guy. I thought you were going to say something like the lines of-"

""He will never help you"? Yumi, I'm not a bad person trust me. I'm you remember? Well, erm, except that time you searched for that doujinshi on Akashi's phone. Believe me I wouldn't do that~"

"I still don't know how you're me and please don't mention that. That was very embarrassing, and on that context, I'm slowly believing that you are me since no one else but Akashi and I know about that."

"I'm just here to provide you company since I know what it's like to be all alone as well. So how have you been coping, being in here I mean."

"Not good, to be honest. I try to sleep, but all I could hear is laughter; laughter that seems to be mocking me."

"Oh that happened to us before, Yumi, in real life."

"It hurts."

"It does, doesn't it? The loneliness, being helpless, feeling abandoned that you just want to scream at the world for being so cruel? Yeah I wanted to do that as well, but what could I do? I was just a helpless girl back then who didn't have the guts to stand up for myself."

"... I was like that before?"

"Believe it or not, yeah. Although, I don't exactly remember my personality switching to that of a strong woman. I hypothesize that you are the result of my subconscious, the unrevealed persona that had never emerged. You're quite amazing."

"Heh, thank you."

"I would love to continue this conversation, but I can sense that Akashi is near."

"But wait, I want to know-"

"All will be answered in due time, Yumi. I myself have no knowledge on how you came to be, I only know our past. I sincerely apologize."

"It was nice talking to you, Yumi who speaks so formally."

"It was my pleasure, Yumi who is much more confident than me."


Akashi rushed towards his room and instantly charged his phone, his mind racing as he remembered his encounter with Yumi's supposed friends. He took out the piece of paper with their contact information written on it.

Watamura Ami - 09xx-xxx-xxxx

Edogawa Mayu - 09xx-xxx-xxxx

The red head sighed and placed the paper beside his phone that was currently charging before changing into his indoor clothes. He then took hold of both his mobile device and the paper as he turned his phone on. As his phone came to life, he saw Yumi in a fetal position with her eyes as blank as a dead fish.

"Yumi? Hey, what happened?" Akashi asked urgently as he held the girl's hand. Well, he didn't really hold it; he just put his finger on where her hands were and gave a long press.

"Aka... shi?" She mumbled, her eyes gazing at the red headed basketball player. She managed to make a small smile despite how exhausted she felt. "Hey, y-you're back." Yumi struggled to get up so she remained as she is. "H-How's your day w-without me?"

"What about you? You look like you haven't eaten in months. What happened to you?" Akashi asked, ignoring Yumi's question directed at him.

"I'm fine-"

"Don't lie," He interrupted, "I know nothing is fine. You can let it out, I'm here."

Yumi's smile broke and heavy sobs escaped from her as she cried out, burying her face in her hands. "It hurts so much, Akashi-sama! Being all alone and not being able to see you was so lonely! I couldn't see anything, all I saw was endless darkness and everything was so cold." She continued to cry as Akashi stroked her hair through the screen of his phone since that was the only thing he could do.

Seeing how broken Yumi looked, he wouldn't be able to comprehend what her reaction would be if she found out that she was dead.

"B-But there was this v-voice in my head and she said th-that she was the past me..." Yumi managed to mutter through her hiccups. "She knew what it was like to be alone. Maybe I was alone before, that no one was there for me."

"The past you... Yumi," Akashi started, gaining the girl's attention. "I need to tell you something."

"H-Huh? Okay..." She mumbled as she looked into Akashi's eyes. His face was blank, but his eyes said otherwise.

He took a deep breath and spoke bluntly. She went numb, and her mind can't comprehend what he had just said. "I... I'm dead?"


surprise update ahehehe still in Singapore but we'll be leaving later lol I enjoyed at Singapore lajsdhf but tired af

hi again o 3 o

i bet some of you are going to say "called it!" //covers ears COME AT ME!

Any feedback? c:



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~ kirami

#AkaRami ftw


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