.chapter 1. the grand opening

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(you wake up put on some clothes and go downstairs)

¨good morning Y/N¨ your mother says when you enter the kitchen you grab a bowl,some milk and a box of cereal you eat breakfast and sit down on the couch to watch tv you see on the news that a new family diner is gonna open this afternoon ¨mom? can we go to the opening of the new family diner ?¨ you ask ¨if you clean your room then i'll think about it¨ur mom says  You go upstairs to clean up your room 

(3 hours later you're done with cleaning your room and you are waiting infront of the family diner)

a orange man walks to the front door he has curly orange hair and he is missing his two front teeth you also see a young girl her skin colour is a light yellow and she has black hair  she has sharp teeth and she has a tail then a purple man walks to the orange guy and the yellow girl the girl walks up to you and she looks at you before walking back to the orange man and the purple man  the purple man takes the girl inside of the diner the orange man grabs a microphone and he introduces himself ¨hello everybody im Jack kennedy and im the owner of this diner¨Jack says 

(an half hour later Jack is done with talking you and the 40 other people are allowed into the diner you and your mom sit down at a table)¨so Y/N what do you want to eat?¨your mother asks ¨i want a pepperoni pizza¨you say 

(some later your mom comes back) ¨mom may i go look around this place?¨you ask your mom nods and you go to the play structure there you see the yellow girl again she looks at you and then looks at a little boy the boy his skin is orange and his hair is half orange and half purple  you walk towards the yellow girl she looks about the same age as you ¨hello¨you say  the girl looks at you and says ¨hi¨ ¨im  Y/N whats your name¨you say she looks at you¨im Jane¨she says  ¨Jane would you like to be friends with me?¨you ask ¨sure¨she answers ¨so should i show you arround this place?¨Jane asks you ¨that would be amazing¨ you say  you and Jane walk to the prize corner ¨this is the prize corner here you can trade your tikets for prizes and you can get faz tokens here so you can play games for tikets¨ Jane explains ¨who are they¨you say and you point at the two people that work by the prize corner ¨that are matt and jay¨ Jane says  

you and Jane go to the arcade ¨this is the arcade¨jane explains you look around and you see a claw macine with some plush toys ÿou walk to the claw macine and Jane follows you ¨do you wanna play?¨ Jane asks and she hands you a bag with 50 tokens ¨thanks¨you say as you grab the bag with tokens you insert a token and you try to win one of the plush animals you lose the first 5 times ¨this game is broken¨you say Jane looks at the claw macine  ¨its not broken¨she says Jane inserts a token and she wins a plush toy she gives it to you ¨here Y/N you may have this one¨Jane says and she hands you the plush toy to you ¨thanks Jane ,but how did you win?¨you ask ¨well i practiced alot¨Jane says  you look at the plush toy its a yellow bear with a hat and a bowtie it looks like the animatronic bear on the stage but the bear on stage is brown and not yellow you hear your mom call you you go back to your table and you eat your pizza ¨Y/N where did you get that plush bear from?¨ your mom asks ¨Jane gave it to me¨you answer your mom looks at you  ¨so a girl gave that to you¨ your mom says  you nod 

(after you eat the pizza you and your mom go home)

you sit down on the couch and turn on the tv  you watch tv for 3 hours and you go to bed you wake up in the middle of  the night becuase you heard a sound outside  you open the  blinds and you look outside you dont see anything outside that could have made the sound that you heard you close the blinds and go back to sleep you wake up the next morning to the sound of a car alarm you go outside in your pyama's to see which car's alarm goes off  your mom goes to her car and you notice that its your moms car where the alarm is going off you see that the windows are smashed you notice some footprints on the floor they dont look human but it also doesnt look like its from an animal.

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