.chapter 15. a living experiment

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Henry walks to the big table in the middle of the labratory and he grabs a syringe, he fills it with a light blue liquid. then he walks towards your cage and he grabs your arm. you try to get away from Henry but he is stronger than you, then he injects the blue liquid in your upper arm, you start to feel dizzy. a few moments later you pass out. you have been passed out for a few hours then you wake up, still locked in the cage you feel hungry becuase you haven't had food since you got locked in the cage,you try to find a way out of the cage, but you cant find anything that might help you out of the cage. some later Jane walks into the room and she slowly walks up to your cage .She is holding some lock picks and she has a bone in her mouth,she stands infront of your cage and she tries to unlock the cage door with the lockpicks she found, then Henry walks in ¨Jane!¨Henry shouts Jane looks at henry and Jane drops the lockpicks. Then she gets up and runs away, Henry follows Jane. You grab the lockpicks and you hide them in your pocket, a few minutes later Henry comes back and he walks to the table he grabs another syringe and he injects a green liquid in something but you cant see what. Then henry walks to you and he hands you a piece of candy, without thinking you grab it and you eat the piece of candy, your head starts to hurt so you laydown to rest, you close your eyes and you fall asleep. 

a few hours later you wake up you still feel wierd and you look if anything on your body has changed, nothing changed exept that you have a headace ,you rememer that you have lockpicks so you look around to make sure that you're alone, there is nobody exept for you you grab the lockpicks out of your pocket and you try to unlock the cage door. a few hours later you have unlocked the cage door, you slowly open the door and you look around the room for something that you can protect yourself becuase you dont want to get locked in the cage again. you find a bone,a few berries and a baseball bat.  you leave the labratory and you hear alot of noice coming from the play arena the noice is louder than normaly, you decide to see whats going on there.

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