.chapter 13. Sea bonnies

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(im reading the fazbear frights books i have books 1-11 and I was thinking so why not just add some sea bonnies into the story also im sorry if some of the english is not correct in a sentence becuase english isnt my first languge and you can join my gamejolt page if you want to https://gamejolt.com/c/dsafoc-xc4qgu )

You wake up and you find yourself locked in a cage. You look around and you see Henry, he is wearing a white lab coat. Henry walks to you ¨ Hello Y/N I see that you're awake Henry says you open your mouth to say something but no word comes out of your mouth. You see Jane standing by a big fish tank but you can't see what's in the fish tank. Henry looks at Jane ¨Jane be carefull with the sea bonnies¨Henry says Jane turns arround and looks at you and Henry ¨I'll be carefull with the sea bonnies¨Jane says and she turns back to look at the sea bonnies. ¨what are sea bonnies¨you ask ¨Sea Bonnies are sea monkeys that genetically modified by Fazbear Entertainment to resemble the character Bonnie¨ Henry replies ¨can i see them?¨you ask ¨only if you promise not to run away¨Henry says ¨i promise¨you say Henry opens the door of the cage and he leads you to the fish tank with sea bonnies.

You look at the sea bonnies they look like semitranslucent, fleshy pale indigo shrimp slugs with tiny black eyes and almost microscopic furry tentacles lining their body. Jane places her paw on the glass of the fish tank and the sea bonnies go to the part of the fish tank where Jane her paw is touching the glass. Jane seems to be easily amused. you see a tennisball laying on the floor and you decide to grab it You softly touch Jane her shoulder and she looks at you, you hold the tennisball infront of Jane her face ,Jane looks at the tennisball and she wags her tail, she seems to be following it. you trow the tennisball away and Jane starts chasing it. Henry looks at you ¨ Y/N why did you just trow a tennisball?¨henry asks ¨becuase Jane can chase it¨you say henry looks at you ¨Y/N i know that Jane can run after dog toys¨Henry says ¨so Jane works like a pet or an animal¨You ask ¨yeah¨ Henry answers .Jane comes running back on all fours with the tennisball in her mouth She sits down infront of you with the tennisball in her mouth she drops the tennisball and she just stares at you waiting for you to grab the tennisball.

¨what does she want?¨you ask ¨she wants to play¨Henry says ¨why?¨you ask ¨becuase you trew the tennisball, basicly showing her that you want to play, and almost always Jane want to play¨Henry says ¨and what about You?¨you ask ¨i learnt myself to not run after toys and i dont play¨Henry answers ¨what is Jane?¨you ask ¨im not sure what Jane is im still trying to figure that out with her DNA¨Henry answers ,Jane is still waiting for you to trow the ball, you grab the ball and you trow it away Jane chases the ball  

(a 30 minutes later  You and Henry go look for Jane becuase she hasn't returned with the ball)

you and henry search for Jane and you notice an open vent. ¨Henry?¨you ask ¨is there a problem Y/N?¨henry responds ¨has that vent always been broken?¨you ask Henry look at the broken vent ¨No¨ Henry says He grabs a flash light and he shines the light into the vent. not much later you hear some sqweaks comming from the vent, Henry  turns off the flashlight ¨Jane please come out of the vent  its dangerous in there¨ henry says  Jane sqweaks ¨Jane I'll give you a berry ,but only if you come out of the vent¨Henry says. Jane crawls closer to the vent entrance and she sqweaks. Henry is holding something that looks like a blue berry but its a pink/red colour and its the size of an orange. ¨whats that?¨you ask ¨this is a berry but i should not eat it if i where you¨Henry says ¨why not?¨you ask ¨becuase its very poisonous for humans¨Henry says ¨what would happen if a human ate that berry?¨you ask ¨well if a human would eat it first you'll get stomach pains and cramps and after that you die¨Henry says ¨and you're giving that berry to Jane?¨you ask ,Jane  is now sitting infront of you Henry gives the berry to Jane and she eats it ,Jane waggs her tail.

Henry lifts Jane up and he places her ontop of a table. ¨will something happen Jane would eat more berries?¨you ask ¨she will not beable to communicate with humans for some time and she'll behave like she is drunk.¨Henry answers. ¨can we give her more berries?¨you ask . Henry walks to the door of the labratory and he locks the door ¨we can do that¨Henry says  Henry grabs a collar and he puts it around Jane her neck, then he grabs a berry and he trows it into a cage Jane runs after the berry and she goes into the cage ,Henry closes the cage and he locks the cage door. Jane eats the berry, Henry gives you a berry ¨why did you put a collar around Jane her neck?¨you ask ¨becuase I dont want her to get out of the cage while we're doing this¨Henry replies. You put the berry in the cage and you roll it towards Jane, she sees the berry and she eats it. Then she sits down and just stares at Herny ,you notice that Henry is holding another berry ¨Do you want this Jane?¨Henry says Jane waggs her tail and she nods, Henry plaaces the berry in the cage and Jane eats it, Jane her behaviour is starting to change ,Jane is walking on all fours but she isn't crawling  and she sqweaks alot. You grab another berry and you give it to Jane. Jane eats the berry and her behaviour is starting to become more like an animal than a human.

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