.chapter 14. escape?

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(you and henry give Jane one last berry and then henry puts up a camera then henry puts you back in a cage and he leaves)

You sit down in the cage and the only thing you can do is watch Jane. Jane is sticking her left paw trough the bars of the cage and she is trying to grab the bone that is laying outside the cage. ¨Jane even if you can grab the bone then you can't get it in the cage the bone is to big to fit trough the bars of the cage¨ you say ,Jane looks at you and she growls softly then she goes back to trying to grab the bone. you laydown in the cage and you think about random things.

(a half hour later you look at Jane who is now laying asleep in the cage)

you sit up in the cage and you look around the room you see alot of vials with different coloured liquids ,the vials have lables on them but you're too far away to read it, you look behind you and there are more cages and some restraint systems ,you wonder why there are restraint systems and for what purpose. 

you look back at the vials and you spend the next two hours trying to read the labels becuase you have nothing else to do. 

Jane wakes up and she looks at you. ¨Hey Jane¨you say even though you're not sure if Jane can understand you, ¨hi Y/N... what happened?¨Jane asks 

(You tell Jane what happened and Jane looks at you like you're crazy)

¨Y/N im not sure if i can belive you in what you just told me¨Jane says  ¨Just belive me also We have to find away to get out of these cages¨You say ¨How?¨Jane asks ¨i have no idea i've never been locked in a cage before¨you say, Jane starts biting on the lock of the cage door. ¨Jane thats only gonna damage the lock¨You say ¨i dont care. I want out of this cage and i'll keep going until  im out of this cage¨Jane says and she continues biting on the lock, you look around for something that might help you get out of the cage.

 you dont find anything, then you hear a noice coming from the labratory door it sounds like the door is being unlocked, then the door opens and Henry walks into the labratory, He walks up to Jane her cage and he kicks against it, It makes alot of noice, Jane Stops biting on the lock and you notice that she is scared.Jane slowly backs away from the cage door. ¨Dont be scared Jane I wont Hurt you¨Henry says and he softly laughs. He kicks against Jane her cage, Jane starts growling at henry and you notice that she is shaking.Henry grabs a bone and he lays it down ontop of Jane her cage, Jane stops growling and she looks at the bone. and not much later she is trying to grab the bone. Henry laughs softly,and it looks like he is entertained by that Jane is trying to grab the bone But Jane is too short to reach the bone. an hour later Jane has given up on trying to get the bone, She is just siting in the cage and she is just looking at the bone. ¨Henry let us out of these cages!¨you say ,Henry laughs ¨Y/N i wont let you out of the cage¨Henry says ¨why did you lock us in these cages, we did nothing wrong¨you say ¨Y/N I want to study your behviour and how you work¨henry says ¨and what has that to do with Jane?¨you ask ¨I locked Jane in a cage so she wont free you from your cage and also becuase you might want a bit of company¨Henry answers ,Jane is chewing on the lock again, ¨Jane stop chewing on the lock¨Henry says ¨l-let me out!¨Jane says ,she is scared ¨Jane If you stop biting on the lock then i'll give you some food¨Henry says ¨I d-dont need f-food, I w-want out¨Jane says while trying to break the lock , Henry walks to the door and he calls someone. a few minutes later Roger walks in. Roger walks to Jane her cage and he looks at her ¨she wont stop chewing the lock¨Henry says ,Jane is sqweaking softly while biting on the lock. ¨Henry can you open the cage?¨Roger asks ,Henry grabs a key and he walks up to Jane her cage, and he kicks against the cage, Jane stops biting on the lock and she runs to the other side of the cage, Henry unlocks the cage door ¨Jane come here¨ Roger says in a calm voice. Jane slowly gets up and walks to Roger. Roger grabs Jane and he holds her close ,Jane calms down a bit ¨ Jane everything will be okay¨Roger says in a calm voice and he starts petting Jane her back, Jane slowly waggs her tail. Roger gets up and he lifts Jane up, then Roger and Jane leave the labratory.

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