chapter 19 where is she?

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(im gonna try to make this a longer part//ooc)

You and the others also help searching for Jane but after some hours you stop with searching and you go to bed. Dave,Jack and Roger keep searching.

(the next morning)

you wake up and you go to see if Jane has been found. you hear noice in the play arena and you go look in the play arena and you find dave and Jack it looks like they didn't get any sleep last night. you approach them and you see Roger lying on the floor passed out. ¨Y/N?¨ Dave asks ¨Yes dave?¨you answer ¨did you see Jane after she bit Roger yesterday?¨Dave asks you shake your head. ¨maby she is outside¨Jack says ¨she could be in the forrest¨You say ¨but the forrest is massive¨Roger says  you didnt even notice that Roger woke up and is now sitting instead of laying on the floor.

¨maby you guys should rest¨you say to Dave,Jack and Roger ¨then i'll go look in the forrest¨ you say then Roger gets up and he walks away and a minute or two later he returns and he is holding something, Roger gives you something that looks like a human bone. ¨you'll need this if you want to take her back with you after you found her and by the prize counter you can find some more things that might help you¨ Roger says.

you go to the prize counter and you get a leash and a collar then you go outside to search for Jane you walk to the place where you parked your bike but then you remember that Jane broke your bike. you walk to the forest and you search for Jane.  after 2 hours of walking and searching you decide to go back to the restaurant but then you hear something behind you.

You turn around to see what's behind you, There is nothing behind you exept trees and bushes. after making sure that nothing was there you continue walking. then you hear a soft growl, you turn around to find Jane standing in the bushes she is staring at the bone that you're holding. Jane growls again,you slowly approach Jane, Jane runs away. you run after Jane for a while but then you stop Becuase you know that its useless to keep running after Jane becuase Jane is faster than you. you decide to run back to the dinner.

(back at fazbenders)

¨Y/N are you okay you look like you ran away from something¨Dave says ¨I saw her and i tried to get closer so i could catch her but she ran away ¨You say ¨lets go back to the forest and maby we can find her and take her back home¨Roger says then he goes to the employees only room and he comes back with a bag ¨what is in that bag?¨ you ask ¨some bones,berries and other foods that Jane likes¨Roger replies Dave is holding a old and dirty looking springbonnie plushie ¨we should take this with us too¨ Dave says ¨good idea¨ Jack answers you dont know why they want to take that plushie with them but you think that its Jane her plush toy.

(some later at the place that you last say Jane in the forest)

¨Y/N are you sure that you saw Jane here?¨ Dave asks ¨yes im sure¨You say  ¨maby we should wait here untill she comes back again¨Jack suggests ¨thats a great idea¨Roger says while he is grabing some berries from the bag that he took with him. ¨ I hope that she isnt too far away¨Roger says and he breaks one of the berries in half, the smell is very strong and you dont know if you like or hate the smell. a few minutes later you hear a soft growling noise. Roger gets up and checks if what made the noice is dangerous and if it might be Jane. a few minutes later you hear Roger talk to the creature that made the noise, then he walks back to you ¨Y/N did you by any chance bring a medkit?¨Roger asks ¨no... why would I bring a medkit? also what where you talking to¨you answer  ¨i was talking to Jane she is over there in the bushes and she has some bad wounds and her bandages ripped so all her wounds and scars are visible¨Roger says ¨would she mind if i saw her wounds?¨You ask  ¨i dont think she would like that¨ Roger answers ¨why do you think that?¨you ask. ¨she always tries to cover her wounds and scars with bandages ¨ Roger answers, Jane sqweaks and Roger turns around and he goes back to Jane who is still standing in the bushes. some later Dave goes to Roger and Jane, you think its unfair that Dave gets to see Jane ,but you dont but then you remember that Dave and Jack are Jane her parents, but Jane doesnt look like Dave or Jack. you also start to wonder how its possible for Jane to have a tail while dave and Jack dont. Jack walks away and half an hour later Jack comes back with a medkit. Jack and Dave bandages Jane her wounds.

(some later)

Dave and Jack finnished bandaging Jane her wounds and Roger allowes you to see Jane.  she has a few bruises and some small cuts that the bandages dont cover, Roger lifts Jane up and he holds her like she is a small child.

(im working on this rn and im working on getting the next part out soon, also im working on a game with a friend of me 

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