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Chapter Thirteen

"The battle"

            As I ran, my only thought was to save my friend

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            As I ran, my only thought was to save my friend. Save him this time. I continued to do so, running, hearing the voice of that cursed spirit, Inumaki-senpai and I had stumbled upon. I saw Megumi kneeling down, a plant growing out of him, to what seemed like poison and Maki-senpai on the grasp of the enemy. I furrowed my brows and ran as fast as I could, readying my bow and arrow, as I shoot for its head. I imbued my arrows with curse energy and we fought, the vine-like branches, gripping on Maki-senpai. "No.ri.ko-", Maki-senpai was about to say something to me, but the vines only gripped on her harder, making it hard for her to speak. Focus, Noriko. I thought to myself, ensuring victory as I launched an arrow, making sure to use my technique so it'd hit the cursed spirit where it hurts, but as I was busy eyeing the target, vines had gripped on my waist and grew towards my arms, my hands being twisted, my bow falling into the water. "Noriko!", Megumi had shouted as I screamed, when the branches had pierced me onto the stomach. Another branch was about to pierce me through my chest, but I moved my hands, cutting the branches with my daggers.

            I tried to stand up. Stand, Noriko. Stand! I said to myself as I focused all of my energy to my legs. "Noriko! Do- don't use your cursed energy", Megumi spoke, sprouts growing more and more as he tried to stand up. "Sorcerers are so infuriating", the cursed spirit spoke with such distaste, gritting its teeth as it launched another attack. I was too weak, but I could still move. I cut through its vines, but because I wasn't aware of my surroundings, a vine went through my hands, daggers falling out of it as the cursed spirit raised me up, blood pouring out of my wounds. I glared at it and spit out blood. "N-Noriko!", Megumi was hurt, Maki-senpai unable to do anything as the vines were all over her body.

            If I am being honest, I had thought this was my end. Both my wrists were pierced through, a branch inside them. I coughed and panted, glaring at the cursed spirit who spoke so fluently. "Did anybody tell you how ugly you are?", I spat at the cursed spirit, smirking, making her angry. My mistake, when she pierced a branch onto my shoulder. "Say goodbye, sorcerer", the cursed spirit said, a branch launching towards me, probably through my chest, but as I was about to accept my death, someone had saved me, had saved all of us.

            I had fallen on the water, my hair wet, my head hit a rock, but I was fine, except for the blood flowing out of me. Maki-senpai was unconscious, but she was at the hands of Todo-senpai who came to save us. Yuji ran to me. "Are you okay?", he asked, but my vision was blurry, my hearing a little broken. I raised my hand, touching his cheek, cupping it as I smiled. "Y-Yuji. Y-you're here", he scooped me up, my hands staying on his cheek as he gave me to Panda-senpai. Todo also gave Maki-senpai to Panda. "Take them and leave the veil, Nishimiya said that this was aimed for Gojo Satoru", Todo said. I was still conscious, hearing all of their talking. "You'll be fine, Noriko", Yuji said, handing me out to Panda. I coughed a little, blood had stained my face, blood on the side of my mouth. Yuji wiped it away with his thumb. "D-don't die", I spoke and he smiled so softly. "I won't. I promise", he said and with that, I had blacked out. I was both exhausted and in pain. Unconscious, in a dream state.


            I woke up inside a room, I didn't know of. "What in the world were you thinking, disobeying your superiors like that?", my head ached, but all of my wounds were completely healed. "Auntie, your voice is so loud", I received more scolding than I should get just for helping my friend. "I already called your father, be sure to explain to him how I was so worried about you", she said and I rolled my eyes. "I will not tell him that", I said to her sitting up. "Where's Megumi? Maki-senpai? Y-yuji?", I rubbed the side of my head, feeling a little sleepy. "They're all fine, the only one who received so much beating and scars, is you. So, rest up and you'll be in your own room, later", she said as she sat down the chair and gave me an apple to eat. "Was dad mad?", I asked her. "No, he was calmer than usual, but maybe because I was the one talking", she said, eating some apple herself. I gave her a serious look as I bit on my apple, savoring the taste of it. "Auntie. I'm serious. Was he mad?", I asked her as she cleared her throat. Just then, the door had burst open, revealing my father, Kento Nanami, glaring at me. "Should that answer your question?", Aunt Izumi said, into which I gulped and prepared myself for the more scolding I am about to get, but to my surprise... he ran and hugged me so tightly.

            Aunt Izumi and I stared at each other, filled with questions that our faces had clearly displayed. My dad was known to speak his mind with no restraint, but this time, when he hugged me, it felt like he was just there to comfort me. Although, I kind of spoke too soon.

            "What in the world were you thinking disobeying orders like that?", he lets me go and shouts at me, Izumi laughing all of a sudden. "That's what I said", she continued to do so, holding her stomach, but dad had looked at her, brows in angry position and she stopped altogether, excusing herself from the room. I couldn't help but snort in laughter. "Noriko.", he spoke so low and so fatherly. "Dad, I was just trying to help", I needed to defend my honor, or else he might withdraw me from this school without so much as a debate. "Going off to a battle that you know you can't win and the possibility of dying, is not helping, Noriko. You could have been killed!", he took off his glasses and looked at me straight in the eyes. "What was I supposed to do? They were clearly there to kill someone. Was I supposed to just not help?", I had raised my voice, in attempt to overpower him. "Staying alive is what you can do to help. You are not using your head, Noriko. Plan ahead, not just go to the center of the ring. What did I say when going into battle?", years of lecture, straight into my head. He had trained me since I was young. To protect myself and to not get afraid of monsters that lurked inside my room. He told me once, that a way to defeat an enemy is knowing that enemy. "Know the enemy and plan ahead", I spoke, bringing my head down as I knew I was no match for my father.

            He sighed so loudly, signaling me that he has finally calmed down and is ready to talk, without shouting and loud voices. I glanced at him, my eyes upwards and he had his hand on his forehead. "Never do that again", he warned. I softly smiled and nodded as he brought me back to his chest for a final hug. "And no boys", he added, kissing the top of my head as I chuckled. "Alright, dad", we pulled away from each. Him, sitting on the couch of the room and rested his back.

            "So, does this mean that I'm not grounded for life?"

            "You're grounded until I'm dead"

            "Dad! That's too long"

            "Then kill me now", he smirked and I rolled his eyes. "Very funny dad", I said and he chuckled. "Don't worry, kiddo. I won't be dying pretty soon. Besides, I won't be able to leave you alone now, can I?", I managed a small smile, tilting my head to the side. "Nope. You can't leave", I grinned at him, but felt a little pain on the side of my mouth. "Rest easy", he urged me to lie down as we had the silence, all to ourselves.

            But of course, peace is not forever in my world. And so, when Aunt Izumi had burst the door open, with food take-outs, the once peaceful room, had become a flirting place. "Hi, Nanami. How's life and when will you make me your wife?", a roll in the eyes and a giggle coming from my mouth.

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