Chapter 1

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This is the first fanfic that I have written and the storyline is pretty common and cliched. The POVs of the characters will be changing in alternate chapters. Some chapters may be extremely short and maybe crappy but please bear with me >< Hope you'll enjoy it~

I do not own anything but the storyline :3



"I love you, Tetsuya." Lies.

"You are my everything." Lies.

"I promise I won't ever leave you." Lies. They were ALL lies. Akashi had never had feelings for him. He was just a toy to the emperor, a plaything, an object used for his entertainment. Kuroko felt ashamed of himself for ever believing those lies. Feelings of betrayal, hurt and shame would overwhelm him whenever he thought of that day, at the Winter Cup Finales, after that match between Seirin and Rakuzan. Akashi had told him that he loved him, on that day. It has been exactly 8 years since then, yet Kuroko could not forget the way the Rakuzan captain had looked straight into his eyes when he said those three words, how he accepted it without hesitation, how they kissed afterwards. He could not forget those precious moments with Akashi, how Akashi would always buy him gifts everytime they went on dates, how he would always reject them, how Akashi would force him to accept them, how they would confide in each other, how they would talk and laugh on the phone for hours about the highlights of their days. The hugs, the kisses, the sweet words that they had exchanged, did all of this mean nothing to Akashi? Did Akashi not feel even the slightest bit of guilt or regret when he broke up with him?

Kuroko shook his head, trying to clear all the thoughts that were clouding his mind. What was the point of thinking about all this stuff now anyway? It was all in the past. Focus Tetsuya, you need to stop thinking about the past. Kuroko thought, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Good morning, Kuroko-sensei!!!" Eager young voices greeted Kuroko as he stepped into the classroom.

"Good morning, children"

This is what he should be focusing on, the present. His job as a kindergarten teacher.

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