Chapter 11

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It was already 10am when Kuroko woke up. He slowly removed Akashi's arms from himself and slid out of the bed. Just as he was about to reach out for the door, it swung open. Before he could react, he was pulled into a tight bear hug.


Sighing Kuroko requested to be released. Stooping slightly to get through the door, Murasakibara placed three bags on the side table beside Akashi's bed. The strong smell of freshly baked vanilla cookies hit his nostrils and Kuroko suddenly realised how hungry he was.

"One is for Kuro-chin, one is for Aka-chin and one is for me" the giant commented lazily. Picking up his bag, Kuroko sat down and began to nibble on the crispy vanilla cookies.

"Murasakibaracchi so meannn, why don't I have one" Kise pouted childishly. Aomine came in next, followed by Momoi and last but not least, Midorima.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it the past few days, I was overseas" Momoi apologised.

"Momoicchi, Momoicchi, check this out" Kise rushed over to the pink-haired girl, showing her the picture he took last night, causing her to squeal and almost faint fron cuteness overload.

"Tetsu-kun and Akashi-kun so cuteee, send it to me!" Momoi squeaked. Raising an eyebrow, Kuroko crept over to take a peek at Kise's phone.

"Delete it!" Kuroko gasped, trying to snatch the yellow phone away from the duo.

"OMG when did you come here, Kurokocchi?" Kise asked, raising his phone high above his head so that the shadow couldn't reach it.

"Delete it now!"

"Anddd... sent! Too late, Kurokocchi"

"Noooo! Delete it"

"Received! Thank you Kise-kun"

"Nooo, Momoi-san, delete it!"

"What's all the commotion about?" The room fell silent as all eyes fell on their former captain who was struggling to sit up on his bed.

"Akashi-kun/Akashicchi/Aka-chin/Akashi, You're awake!"

"Nice to see you, Daiki, Ryouta, Atsushi, Satsuki. How have you been?" The Generation of Miracles sat around Akashi's bed as they caught up with each other. Time flew and visiting hours were over.

"I have to leave tomorrow, hope to see you guys again soon" Kise waved as he and Aomine left, hand-in-hand. The others bade each other goodbye as they went on their seperate ways. Kuroko, as usual, was the last to leave.

"Tetsuya, wait, come over here" Akashi beckoned. Kuroko sat back down on Akashi's bed. Leaning closer, Akashi pressed his cold lips against Kuroko's, surprising him. After a second of hesitation, Kuroko kissed back lovingly. The pair broke away at the same time to catch some air.

"Goodbye Akashi-kun, I'll visit again tomorrow" Kuroko smiled as he got up.

"Call me by my first name."

"Okay, um... Sei-kun"

"I love you"

"I love you too" Kuroko replied, before closing the door behind him.

The following week passed by quickly, with Kuroko visiting Akashi everyday as per normal. They would chat and sometimes play card games with each other. However, to Kuroko's dismay, Akashi was still weak as ever and would constantly fall alseep halfway. He had also noticed that recently, Midorima hardly ever came in and when he did, he would leave right after checking Akashi's condition.

"Midorima-kun, when don't you stay for a while longer?"

"No, I've already told you, I'm busy. I have other patients to look after."

"Do you think you are the only busy one here? The rest of us are too. Furthermore, Akashi-kun is your friend. I remember you being pretty close with him. Can't you at least spend sa bit more time to show care and concern for a friend?"

"... Look, Kuroko. Its not that I don't want to... I just... can't... "

"What do you mean you cant?"

"I can't bear to see him... in this state..."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Because... because... Akashi, he... he... I'm sorry... should have informed you guys sooner but..." Midorima closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Akashi's condition isn't improving"

"Akashi-kun... what?"

"His wounds aren't healing as we hoped. There was an infection and we have given him medication but its not working. If this goes on, Akashi may... he may not make it... We are trying our best..." the doctor looked down, not daring to meet Kuroko's eyes.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Kuroko demanded, bursting into tears.

"I knew that you will react this way..."


"I'm sorry"

The fear of losing Akashi overwhelmed Kuroko once more. Why did their relationship have to be so difficult? Why couldn't it be like Aomine and Kise's or any other normal couples'?

A single tear slid down a certain redhead's face as he listened to the heartbreaking sound of his lover screaming and crying. He had heard the entire conversation. Looks like he wouldn't be able to keep his promise after all.

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