Chapter 7

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Red hair. That was the first thing Kuroko saw when he stepped out of the kindergarten. A man wearing a suit and tie was standing right outside the kindergarten waiting for him, striking red hair sprouted from his head. The man's crimson eyes stared right into Kuroko's blue ones. Kuroko panicked. Why was he here? Didn't he leave Tokyo 6 years ago? Why was he back? What is he doing outside the kindergarten?


Kuroko opened his mouth to speak but not a sound came out.

"Its been a while... how have you been?" The former captain started. Kuroko took a step back. No, he wasn't ready to face the redhead. Its too sudden, he couldn't face him. He didn't know what to say, where to start, how to react. Akashi moved closer.

"D-don't..." Kuroko stammered in fear, inching backwards.

"Listen, Tetsuya, please, hear me out. I'm really sorry... I didn't mean it, I take it back... I-I love you" Akashi continued, walking towards Kuroko.

"Stop Akashi-kun, just... stop... " Kuroko cupped his hands over his ears, tears starting to cloud his vision. Grabbing his bag tightly, Kuroko turned and fled in the direction of his house.

Kuroko ran and ran, not stopping once to take a breath until he reached the front door of his house. His lungs felt like they were on fire and his heart pounded. Panting and gasping for air, Kuroko entered the house and closed the door behind him, slumped against it. He sank down onto the floor slowly, burying his head in his knees. Nigou, sensing something was wrong with his master, quietly sat beside Kuroko and nuzzled his head against his arm, trying to cheer him up. Kuroko reached out to stroke Nigou's soft fur. His mind was a whirl. Why? Why did Akashi have to come back? Why now? How did he know where Kuroko worked? Why did he apologise? What did he mean by "I love you?" Does he really... No, no, no. That's impossible. Akashi had made it clear 6 years ago. Those two years had meant nothing to him. Akashi just missed his toy. Yes, that must be the reason. He just wants him back to toy with him even more, to use him for his own selfish reasons. He was naive to have believed that someone as high and mighty as Akashi would actually fall for someone like him and he would not make the same mistake again. But you still love him. A small voice in the back of his head nagged. You wish that he had finally come to realise how much you mean to him. You wish that he misses you as much as you miss him. No, that wasn't true. He hated Akashi. He wished that the emperor would just disappear from the surface of this world. He wished that the redhead never existed. Stop lying to yourself. Your heart aches just at the thought of him. Look, you're even crying. Kuroko covered his ears and let out a cry of frustration. Why can't he let go of Akashi?

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