Chapter 10

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Its been four days. Four entire days, since the accident. Today was the fifth day, and Akashi still hadn't woken up. For the past few days, Kuroko had rushed over to the hospital to visit Akashi after work, leaving only when the nurse came into the room to chase him out after the visiting hours were over. He couldn't concentrate on teaching, his mind constantly wandering off to Akashi. Eyebags were evident, due to his lack of sleep. He had no appetite and constantly skipped meals.

Kuroko glanced at the clock. Visiting hours would be over soon. Murasakibara had dropped by earlier to bring Kuroko some goodies that he had baked, in hopes of improving his appetite. Breathing a heavy sigh, he reached out and placed his hand gently on Akashi's head. Kuroko traced the bandages and gradually moved his hand up to run his fingers through the emperor's soft red hair.

"Sei-kun... When will you wake up? I've been waiting fo so long... can you hear me? I miss you, Sei-kun... you have no idea how much I missed you those 6 years... a-and now that we finally meet again, you're unconscious... I'm scared, please open your eyes..." Kuroko whispered, burying his head gently in the crook of the redhead's neck, breathing in his scent.

"...tsu..." Came a barely audible sound. Kuroko lifted his head abruptly, listening out for that sound. What was that? After a minute of silence, Kuroko brushed it off as a figment of his imagination.

"...T-tet..." There was it again. Kuroko sure he heard it this time.

"...Tet... s... ya... " Kuroko was starting to freak out. Was he hearing things? What's going on? Someone was calling him. As Kuroko stood up from his seat, he felt something freezing grab onto his wrist. Kuroko's eyes shot down to see a pale hand on his.

"Se-akashi-kun?" Kuroko spluttered out in shock. The emperor's eyes were opened just a teeny fraction, his eyebrows furrowed in his effort to keep his grip on Kuroko's wrist.

"Akashi-kun!" Kuroko kneeled down so that he was at eye level with Akashi.

"T-tetsuya..." Akashi managed to whisper out, his pale lips forming a weak smile. Too agitated to say anything else, Kuroko pulled his lover into a gentle hug, afraid of hurting his fragile body. Happy tears slid down his face as he broke into a wide grin.

"Kuroko-san, visiting hours are-" The nurse came into the room, before stopping in her tracks as she took in the sight before her.

"Call Midorima-kun! Now!" Kuroko exclaimed as he released Akashi. Within minutes, the green-haired megane burst into the room. After doing a brief check on Akashi, a rare smile spread across his face. As Midorima phoned the other members of the generation of miracles, Kuroko handed the redhead, who, with his help, had propped himself up to a sitting postion, a cup of warm water. Akashi then moved over to the side of the bed and motioned for Kuroko to sit with him, to which the shadow immediately obliged. With the doctor's request for time extension of visiting hours, the pair sat together in silent companionship for the first time in years. Kuroko closed his eyes as he felt Akashi rest his head weakly against his shoulder. After 6 long years, they were finally back together again. It felt so unreal, like a dream come true. Kuroko had pinched himself a few times to confirm that he wasn't dreaming, and that all of these were real.

"AKASHICCHIIIIIII" The door slammed open to reveal an excited Kise, with Aomine and Murasakibara behind him.


"SHHH, shut up Kise" Midorima hushed as he jerked his head in the direction of Akashi and Kuroko. Kise almost had a nosebleed when he saw the pair fast asleep, leaning against each other. Snatching out his phone, the blonde took a few snapshots of the couple so that he could fangirl over them later.

"So, Akashi and Tetsu made up?" Aomine asked curiously as he smirked at the cute couple, his arms folded. After hanging around for half an hour or so, the rainbow haired guys decided to leave to allow the two to get their rest, promising to come back the next day. Not wanting to disturb Kuroko, Midorima decided to let the shadow stay the night. After adjusting the angle of the bed such that they were lying down, Midorima left the room.

Opening his eyes, Kuroko looked around at his surroundings. Why was he in the hospital... Oh... He had accidentally fallen asleep last night. Turning to face his left, Kuroko smiled to see Akashi facing him, sleeping peacefully. He had missed waking up to the redhead's sleeping face. Crawling out of the bed as slowly and silently as he could to avoid waking Akashi, Kuroko went to the toilet to wash up and tame his annoying bed hair. When he finally came back into the room, Akashi had already woken up.

"Good morning, Tetsuya"

"Good morning, Akashi-kun"

"Um... Tetsuya?


"I'm sorry... "

"For what?"

"For 6 years ago"

"I forgive you"

"Thank you..."

"Just promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"That you'll never leave me again. Ever."

"I promise"

"You should continue sleeping, its only 7am. Your body needs more rest."

"You too, just look in the mirror. You look as if you haven't slept in weeks" Akashi chuckled lightly, eyelids already drooping.

"I'll turn in early tonight then."

"No, sleep with me, Tetsuya"

"Fine, I'll just lie here for a bit" Kuroko gave in and snuggled back under the blankets. Akashi wrapped his arms around him. He had missed Kuroko so much. Within minutes, Akashi's breathing slowed, showing that he had fallen asleep.

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