Chapter 4

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"I'm sorry... Please, just get down from there"


"Please Tetsuya, I..."


"Calm down, please, don't do this.... I-I love you..."


"I was wrong, I didn't realise how much you meant to me, I really do love you, Tetsuya"

"E-even if you really do now, its too late, you've hurt me... You'll pay for those past 6 years Which I've spent in agony... I'll make you suffer too... Goodbye Sei-kun~"


"T-TETSUYA!!!" Akashi cried into the darkness. Another nightmare. Akashi looked up at the wall clock. It was 3am in the morning. Akashi sat up taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He shuddered as the nightmare replayed itself in his head. Images of his beloved Tetsuya, standing on the edge of that tall building. Him, helplessly trying to coax the boy down. The shadow's eyes were cold, dark and lifeless, cracked lips forming a weak smile, tears streaked across his face. His sky blue hair was in a mess, his skin, paler than ever, he looked... terrible. Sinking back onto the bed, Akashi closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Fortunately for him, it was a Saturday tomorrow, meaning that he could sleep in. The nightmares that haunted him almost every night had left him deprived of sleep. It was torture. How Akashi longed to be able to hold the shadow in his arms again, taking in his sweet vanilla scent, to kiss those soft, tender lips, to stare into those beautiful blue eyes. If there was ever a day where they would be able to be together again, he would hold him tightly and never let him go. He would make up for those 6 years, and give him all the love that he deserved. If only... there would be that day...

Sunlight filtered through the curtains from Akashi's window. Cracking open his eyes, Akashi went through his mental to-do list for the day. After having his breakfast, he sat at his desk and started working on a proposal that was due that night. When he was halfway through the proposal, the sound of his phone ringing broke his concentration.

"Good morning, Akashi Seijuro speaking"

"Good morning Akashi-san, I'm sorry to disturb you but there will be a meeting held in Tokyo on Monday and your presence is required. Your air tickets have already been bought and you will need to leave on Monday morning. An email has been sent to you so you may refer to it for more details. If you would like to, you may stay in Tokyo for a few days after the meeting to check on some of the factories there."

"Alright, thank you for notifying me." Akashi made a mental note before continuing with his proposal. By lunchtime, he had finished all of the work that needed to be done that day. Ordering his servants to prepare lunch, Akashi decided on what to do next. His gaze fell on his violin which was placed in a corner of his room. The emperor then picked up the instrument and started to play it.

"Sei-kun can play the violin?" Kuroko's eyes widened slightly in awe as he saw the violin case.

"Of course, would you like me to play you a song, my dear Tetsuya?"

"Yes, I'd love to hear Sei-kun play" Kuroko replied, a hint of excitement in his

voice. Akashi closed his eyes and began to play one of the pieces that he had composed not too long ago. Towards the ending of the song, Akashi opened his eyed slightly saw that the shadow was sitting on the edge of his bed with his eyes closed, rocking slightly to the tune, a small smile on his lips. Pulling the last note, Akashi walked over to sit next to Kuroko and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"Good to see that you enjoyed it"

"Sei-kun is so good at everything" Kuroko commented, leaning his head on Akashi's shoulder.

Akashi snapped out of his flashback as he heard a knock on his door.

"Akashi-sama, your lunch is ready. Should I leave it outside or would you prefer if I to bring it in to you?"

"Just leave it outside"

Akashi sighed. Everything he did seemed to remind him of Kuroko. For 6 years, he had tried to forget about the shadow and pretend that he never existed but it was clearly impossible. He needed Kuroko, he couldn't live without him.

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