Chapter 3

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Novah's POV

It was finally Friday which meant it was finally the weekend. After school I went straight home, I didn't want to do anything this weekend. Maybe just lay in bed and read a book, or watch TikTok's, or play some video games. Yep, I'm that type of girl. The Tom boy type. I like playing sports and video games, etc. I'm also the quiet type. I keep to myself a lot, cause I'm like a major introvert. I want to be more outgoing and all but I just can't bring myself to do that.

Anyway, right as I walked into the house from school I was about to head up to my room when Sharon, my foster mom called me over. I hesitated for a moment but eventually I relented. "Yeah?" I ask. " I know that this is kinda short notice. But we are all leaving for New York tomorrow." I look at her confused. She must have seen the confusion on my face and started to explain. " Brian just found out that his father passed away and we have to go." Oh, well that's sad. But that makes sense why we have to go. Brian's my foster dad, he's not a bad guy but he's just not there for me like he is with his daughter Kaitlyn. But that's his actual daughter and I'm not so I can't say I blame him. "Uh, okay, so what time are we leaving? And what about school?" I ask. "Sometime in the morning. And don't worry about school. We've already called the school and informed them. You'll just have to catch back up when we get back." Okay, well... this should be fun. Note the sarcasm. At least I can say I've been to New York.

The next morning we were all on the plane heading to New York City. Wow can't believe it. Although, I wish it was under better circumstances. I may not particularly belong in their family but it still saddens me. I hate seeing him sad, it just doesn't seem right. He's usually all cheerful and all smiles.

I had fallen asleep during the flight but was awoken when we landed. After we got off and got outside, there was so much going on. So many people and so much noise. I don't think my anxiety can handle it, I'm a small town girl, not a big city girl. I did enjoy the sites during the car ride to the hotel though.

Once we got to the hotel, we unpacked everything and got settled in. Kaitlyn and I shared a room while Brian and Sharon had their own. Kaitlyn is only twelve years old but she's an okay kid. We get along pretty decent. Our relationship is a lot better than a lot of other kids I've had in my life. I looked out the window and looked at all the buildings and people. I've heard that this is the 'city that never sleeps' which now that I'm actually here, I can totally see that. People walking everywhere, multiple cars going up and down the streets. It's too chaotic for my brain to handle. But I wanted to explore it, so that's what I'm gonna do.

"Hey Sharon, is it okay if I go and explore the city?" I ask hopefully. She just looks at Brian and then at me and shrugs "Sure I guess. Just take your phone with you." I smiled and nodded as I left.

I've been exploring for a few hours now. And I've gotten lost so many times. Thankfully Sharon told me to bring my phone so I could use GPS. I found this nice pizza place, and it was so good. Best pizza I've ever had. I even seen the Statue of Liberty. From afar that is. But it was cool none the less. I also found Central Park and took a walk around. It was so beautiful and peaceful even, the most peaceful since getting here. There were children playing, and couples walking and laughing together. I'll have to come back here before we leave. 

Brian's fathers funeral is in just a couple of days. I was gonna go to show my condolences but for one, I've never met him, and two, I'll probably just be in the way... like always. So I'll probably just get stuck in the hotel, so that's when I'll probably come back to the park.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I accidentally bumped into someone which knocked me down. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright?! I'm so sorry!" The mystery person said helping me up on my feet. "No, no you're okay. It was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said as I looked up at them. When I made eye contact I realized immediately that the person I ran into was THE Elizabeth Olsen. No freaking way. I feel like my inner fan girl was gonna come out but I didn't want to make an even bigger fool of myself so I stayed calm as much as I could. "Are you sure? I bumped into you pretty hard. You didn't hit your head or anything?" She was looking at me concerned. "N-no really I'm okay." I say quietly as I look down at my feet.

Geez I'm probably making a fool of myself just standing here, curse my stupid social anxiety. Just say something. But I don't want to bother her. Now that I got a good look at her it looks like she's been jogging. "You're bleeding" she says as she looks at my arm. "Oh, I didn't even notice. It's okay though, really. Just a scrape." She just shakes her head and starts leading me over to a bench. "Luckily I brought my first aid kit with me. Knowing me, I'd figured I'd end up hurting myself. But never thought i'd hurt someone else instead" she chuckled.

I watched as she wiped the blood off my arm and wrapped it up in a bandage. I can't believe Elizabeth Olsen is tending to my wound. "What's your name honey?" She asks while wrapping my arm up. "Oh, I'm N-Novah." I wince as I stutter. "Well Novah, I'm Elizabeth. And again, I'm sorry for running into you like that." She smiles. As I look up at her I can't help but smile too. "It's okay, really." Once she's finished she puts her first aid kit back in her bag. She then looks at me again and examines my face. Okay this is kinda awkward, is she gonna say anything, or.... "How old are you Novah?" Ah, there it is. "I'm 15" she continues to look at me with pursed lips. "You kinda resemble a friend of mine." She grins. "But where are your parents? New York's a big city and I'd hate for something to happen to you." I panic a little. It's not like I have anything to hide. But I don't like to go around and say I'm a foster kid. People look at me differently after I do. "Oh uh, they are just at the hotel. We're in New York for the week for... family reasons." Which is pretty much the truth.. just not my family.

She looked kinda bewildered. "And they let you roam around without them? That's quiet dangerous." She mumbled. She shook her head like she was getting herself out of her thoughts. "Well I should really get going. I gotta get back before sunset." I say. "Yes, yes of course. Well I'll let you get to it. And just..." she stops as she turns to look at me again. "Just be careful." She smiles a little. Then continues on her run. Well... that was eventful.

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