Chapter 9

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Scarlett's POV

I had gotten a email yesterday, stating that the results for the DNA test came back positive. And I was so happy, I cried for hours. They found her! I'm finally getting my baby back! So I had made plans to meet her and bring her home. I was thinking of staying there for a bit instead of bringing her home right away. That way she could get used to me a little and then later adjust to the rest of the family. I don't want to just throw it all at her at once. Tomorrow is her birthday too. That couldn't have been a more perfect timing. My baby girl will be 16. And I'll get to spend it with her after so many years of missing out. I know it will most likely take a while for her to warm up to me, but that's okay. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure she knows she is loved and cared for. Oh I'm so happy! I could cry all over again! Which of course, I don't want Colin to worry again like he did all day yesterday. Don't want to give him whiplash or anything.

I called my mom and told her the news and she's just as ecstatic as me. Ahhh, I just can't wait to have my baby again. To bad it has to wait till tomorrow, if I could I would leave right now. "Mama, can we watch a movie?" Rose asks me, breaking out of my thoughts. I smile at her. "Of course baby. Let's go." Soon enough I can watch a movie with all my kids. Mostly the girls considering Cosmo probably doesn't understand anything going on.

Novah's POV

It was finally the day. The day I turn 16. Also the day I reunite with my birth mother, that I had no idea about. Not to mention she's my favorite celebrity. And I've already met her. I hope I don't make a fool of myself. Will she remember me from that day at the park? Will she still want me after getting to know me, or will she just think I'm weird and not want anything to do with me. Ugh, I gotta stop getting into my own head.

I started packing my things, which isn't much. Just a few clothes, my art supplies, and a few books and comics I own. After I had everything packed, I headed downstairs where everyone was eating. I just grabbed an apple and headed off to Katherine's office a few streets over from here. I'm supposed to be there by three, but I didn't wake up till about 12. So by the time I packed, and got ready, it was time to head over there. God I'm so nervous. I hope she likes me. Even tho, we technically already met. But that was before I found out she was my mom and me her daughter. It's so strange, I never thought this could happen to me. Or anyone. Its almost like my life is just some Wattpad story. (😏)

I had gotten to the office and Katherine was there on her computer at her desk. She looked up when I knocked on the door. "Hey Novah! Happy birthday!! Are you excited?" I put on a smile. "Thanks and yeah... nervous mostly." She smiles sympathetically towards me. "Everything will be okay. I know you are nervous, but that's to be expected, right?" I nod and shrug. "I guess, not like I've ever been in this type of situation before or anything." I say sarcastically. She just shakes her head with a fond smile. "Why don't you sit down, she should be here soon." I take a deep breath. Great. Can't wait. I head over to the couch and sit down when I notice a box with my name on it. "What's that?" I ask. She looks up from what she's doing. "Oh, that's your records." I nod slowly. "Wow. My whole life in a box. Literally." I sigh. She smiles sadly looking away. I hate when she does that. I hate when anyone does that. I hate being pitied.

I play on my phone for a while when I realize an hour has gone by with no sign of Scarlett. She should have been here by now. Right? "What time did you say she would be here?" I ask. She looks up at me then at the clock. She was supposed to be here 40 minutes ago." She reply's uncertainly. Great... so is she not gonna show up now. She probably decided last minute that she didn't want this. That she didn't want me. Just great. Another person to add to my list. "Hey, I'm sure she'll be here soon. She probably just got stuck in traffic. It is that time where everyone is getting off work after all." She reassures me. I nod and continue to play on my phone for another 10 minutes. I got startled by a knock on the door, it was another worker her at the office. "Hey, Scarlett's here." They say. I immediately stiffen. Oh God, It's really happening.

Katherine told me to wait here while she went to go get her. Okay Novah. Everything's gonna be okay. Just stay calm, don't panic. I continue saying that to myself until I hear Katherine coming down the hallway talking. Oh God, here it goes.

The door opens and I see Katherine, then I finally see her. She immediately makes eye contact with me as she slowly walks into the room. She hasn't taken her eyes off of me. But I can't judge cause I haven't taken my eyes off her either. I notice her lip quivering a little and her eyes watering. I'm pretty sure she's holding back from pure on sobbing. She finally breaks out into a quivering smile. "Hi baby" she says. I take a shaky breath and whisper a quiet hello. I can tell she's looking me over continuously, like she's trying to get my image ingrained into her head. She walks over to me, and stops about 2 feet away from me. She's taller than me, which isn't surprising since everyone is taller than me. She's still smiling, kinda starting to creep me out a little. But I'll keep that bit to myself. "Sorry it took so long to get here. I got stuck in traffic." She tells me softly. Which definitely reassured me a little. Guess Katherine was right about that. "Is it okay if I hug you?" She asks quietly. Well, at least she asked. I hesitantly nod a little and I didn't think it was possible for her smile to get any wider. She immediately pulls me into a hug and holds on like her life depends on it. My head fits right underneath her chin and her arms fit around me. It's almost like a puzzle piece, fits perfectly and I can't help but melt into it.

I slowly put my arms around her, just not as tightly. I'm not really used to this kind of affection. Sure I've hugged people before but never like this. This feels different, a good different. I feel her slightly nuzzling her face into my hair and her thumb rubbing my back. It feels so nice, and comfy. I don't want it to stop. And for once in my life... I feel safe. Really and truly safe.

Scarlett leans back only slightly and takes my face in her hands and just looks me over. "So it was you." I hear her whisper. She must of seen the confusion on my face and she softly chuckled. "When we met at the park, and when you told me your name and age. I was so lost, I kept thinking, what if it was my baby, but then I'd just talk myself out of it saying it was just a coincidence. Turns out, it was you after all. You were right there. And I didn't even know." She frowns. "But what's important is that you are here now. And I'm never letting you go again." She hugs me again then whispers in my ear. "Happy Birthday Novah baby."

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