Chapter 14

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Novah's POV

It's been a few days since I met Melanie, Rose and Cosmo. I gotta be honest, it's refreshing to have Rose and Cosmo here. I grew up around a lot of kids throughout the years, so being without for a while was kinda weird feeling. Rose has been the sweetest, anytime she see's me, she always come to hug me, no matter how long its been since she's seen me last. Cosmo is also such a sweet boy. Scarlett told me that he doesn't really like new people but he clung to me the moment we met. He's always gotta a little smile on his face and is such a happy baby.

"Bet you can't catch me!" Rose yelled across the yard at me. Rose and I were currently playing in the snow, like I promised her I would. We've built snow angels, snowmen, had little snowball fights. And now we're playing a little game of tag. We were also covered head to toe with clothes. Scarlett made sure we were good and warm before we even thought of going outside. I'm sure my face was still red anyway, we have been outside for a few hours. Just as I was about to grab Rose, I hear Scarlett calling for us. "Girls, it's time to come in. I don't want you both to catch a cold." I look up and see Scarlett leaning against the patio door.

Once Rose and I got inside, Rose ran off to go play, while I sat down on the couch. Rose seems to be unbothered but I am freezing, my face feels almost numb from the cold and I can't help but shiver. "Here sweetheart. You're freezing." I hear as I feel a blanket being draped around me. I look up to see Scarlett, who smiled at me once she realized I was looking at her. She kissed me forehead and rubbed my arms. "How does hot chocolate sound? Hmm?" She walks off before I am even able to say anything.

While I wait for her to come back, I decide to watch a little television. After searching the channels for a bit, I decided to watch SpongeBob. Scarlett came back with my hot chocolate and sat next to me. "You okay?" She asks as she starts playing with my hair. "Mmhmm." I can't help but lean into her touch, when she suddenly pulls me into her arms.

I don't know how long it has been, but I must have fallen asleep. Scarlett was no longer next to me and the TV was off. I sit up feeling weak, and my throat feels a bit scratchy. My throat felt scratchy before bed last night but I just pushed it to the side. I felt fine all day, but now it seems worse than before. I get up and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water, which is where I find Scarlett with Cosmo, and Colin sitting at the counter. He must have gotten home from work when I was asleep. "Hey there sleepyhead!" Colin greets me. I smile and give a weak and hoarse hello in return. That's when I get two sets of concerned eyes on me. "You okay baby?" Scarlett asks. "Yeah I'm okay. Just hoarse from where I just woke up." I lie. I hate lying to them but I don't want them to worry. Besides, it might not be anything at all. I don't want to be a burden to them.

I grab a bottle of water and head to my room before they can say anything. Once I get to my room, I lay down and cover up and watch something on Netflix. As the day went on, I just felt worse and worse. I had started coughing, and it felt like a thousand needles sticking me in the throat. My nose was running, and my body ached. We were sitting at the dinner table eating, but I could barely eat. I felt like if I ate I would just throw it all back up. And that's the last thing I wanted to do. "Novah honey. You've barely eaten your food." When I go to respond, I cough instead, which makes Scarlett raise her eyebrow. I've come to learn that, that look means business.

(She's not necessarily raising her eyebrow in this

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(She's not necessarily raising her eyebrow in this. But when I say that, I think it's that photo. Her face just gives off the mom look here. Like 'you have one more chance' kinda look lol.)

"Really, I'm fine. Just choked on my spit..." I make up an excuse. I see Colin in the corner of my eye grinning a little while looking down eating his food while Scarlett keeps eye contact with me. When she finally looks away, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She's not falling for it. She knows I'm lying. Man, I wish I was good at acting like she is. It would make this a lot easier.

After dinner I went up to my room to keep myself away from everyone. If I am sick, which I'm not, I wouldn't want Rose or Cosmo to catch anything. An few minutes go by when there's a knock on my door. "Novah, baby can I come in?" It was Scarlett. "Ugh, yeah come in." I say hesitantly. Once she enters the room I see a thermometer and some medicine and a glass of water in her hands. Great. "Sit up" she orders. I quickly do as she says, and she sits on the edge of my bed facing me. "Why are you trying to act like you aren't sick?" Wow. Straight forward huh. I shrug. "I'm no..." she points her finger at me and cuts me off. "And don't say you're not because I know very well that you are."

I try to come up with a good excuse, but I got nothing. I sigh in defeat. "It's not that bad. It's just a cough and sniffles." She gives me the same look as she did earlier but I avert her gaze by looking down at my bedsheets like they are the most interesting thing in the world. "How long have you felt like this?" When I didn't answer she used her hand and gently lifted my head up to look at her by my chin. "Hmm? How long? Look at me." She says softly. I sigh and mumble. "My throat started feeling scratchy last night. And I was fine until I woke up earlier." I shrug "but it's not that serious. Really. It will be gone by tomorrow morning." She sighs. "Sweetheart, either way. I would like to know these things. The sooner I know, the sooner I can help to get rid of it." She looks down as if she's thinking something over then looks back at me. "I know, we've only known each other a couple of weeks and I can't imagine how hard it is for you to open up. But baby, I'm here. And I'm always gonna be here. Is that the reason why you didn't want to tell me? Because we haven't known each other long?"

My lip quivers as I try to hold back tears. "No." I say quietly. "I just-I just don't want to be a burden." I hear her quietly gasp. And suddenly I'm being wrapped in her arms and being held close. "I want you to listen to me. You are in no way, shape or form a burden. You are everything to me. The people that took you. That took my baby the day you were born, they took a piece of my heart too. I've lived for 16 years feeling like, no matter what I did, or who I did it with there was part of me missing. The other morning when I woke up holding you, I felt like that missing piece was back. I feel like I'm whole again. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, a lot of things I regret, but you" Scarlett shook her head, "I look at you and I can't believe I made something so perfect, so beautiful. I'm constantly in awe that the tiny thing I saw for only a few hours all those years ago has somehow become this miracle, this real person that I can hold and kiss and love. And I do love you, so much I think I might burst or something. I hold you and I never want to let you go. I want to protect you from everything. I know things haven't been great for you but I promise Novah, I promise you that it'll be different now. I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me. You can absolutely come to me, no matter what it is. You are no burden, you are no mistake, and you are no inconvenience. You are my little girl. My little star."

By the time she got done saying all that, we were both crying. I was a sobbing mess, which I don't think will help my sore throat any. After I calmed down, I pulled away. I was about to use my sleeve to wipe my face Scarlett used a tissue she magically got from somewhere as wiped my face like I was a 2 year old. "Hold still" she laughs. "Now, take this." She hands me some medicine and the water which I gracelessly take. 

She stands up and motions for me to lay down, and she tucks me in and kisses my forehead. "Get some rest." She says softly as she starts walking towards the door. "Thanks mom"  I say weakly as I fall asleep. What I missed was Scarlett's surprised face which soon turned to a bright and teary smile.

(Sorry ya'll, I literally meant to update yesterday but I forgot and I didn't have the chapter finished. But that just gives me the opportunity to say.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCARLETT!!)

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