Chapter 23

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Scarlett's POV

I don't know how long i've been standing frozen here, my thoughts swirling with worry of whether my daughter was okay. Oh God let her be okay. "Babe?" I heard someone say, but i was to far gone to acknowledge them. "Scar?" How long has this been going on? Why haven't they got the kids out of there or captured the shooter. Is someone hurt? I gasp. Is Novah hurt? Please don't let her be hurt. "Scarlett!" I finally come back into focus and see Colin in front of me. "Scarlett, take some deep breaths babe." I hadn't realized I was hypervinalating till just now.

I slowly take deep breaths as Colin instructed. "I'm sorry." I say weakly. "I'm just... I'm just scared. What if something has happened to her? I-I just got her back. I CAN'T lose her again. Not again." I break down in sobs. "I know. I know. I'm scared too. But Novah's fine, i'm sure of it. The teacher's have been in training for this, they were taught what to do in these types of situations, and they taught the students what do too. We just gotta believe that she'll make it out of this. Alright?" I nod as I wipe my tears away.

"Mommy, your phone keeps buzzing." Rose says as she shows up with my phone. I take it and see a bunch of texts from my mom, and from Novah. I immiediatly reply to Novah.

Me: "Novah, are you okay? Are you somewhere safe?"

Novs: "I'm okay. I'm hiding in the bathroom. It all happened so quick. I didn't know what else to do."

Me: "No, no you did great! Just stay hidden sweetheart. The police are there, it's on the news. Just wait till they come and find you. Okay?"

Novs: "Okay."

Novs: "Mommy. I'm so scared."

My heart immiediatly broke at that. I can't imagine what she must be feeling right now. I just want to take her into my arms and tell her that everything will be alright. But I can't.

Me: "I know baby. I know. You'll be okay, just stay hidden and stay quiet."

Novs: "Okay, I will."

Novs: "I love you."

Me: "I love you so much more babygirl."

More tears fall from my eyes. I don't know what to do, all I want to do is hold my baby in my arms. I want to go to the school and wait till I see her walk out those doors safe and unharmed. But I can't. All I can do is wait.

Novah's POV

I don't know how long it had been. But it feels like it's been days. My eyes hurt from how much I have cried, I've heard so much gunfire and screams. My breath hitches as I hear shouting. "GET ON THE GROUND! NOW!" I hear. That must be the police. Oh thank God. I hear running, yelling, then shooting, and then silence.

A few more minutes go by before I hear someone walking into the bathroom. "Is someone in here? It's alright now. You're safe. I'm officer Stanley. I'm here to escort you along with your classmates out." How am I supposed to know he isn't lying. He could be trying to trick me into coming out just to kill me on the spot. I took the chance to take a peak through the crack and it was in fact an officer. I let out a shaky relieved breath and I exit the stall.

I probably looked a whole mess, with tear tracks all on my face. The officer smiled at me reassuringly. "It's alright. You're safe now." He reached for me. "Come on. Let's reunite you with the rest of the kids and get you all out of here." All I can do is nod as I let him lead me out of the bathroom. I felt like I was in a daze. Still really not comprehending that all of that just happened. Sure, I've heard it all happening before on the news, but I never imagined it would happen to me.

The moment we walked outside, we were surrounded by police and ambulances. Teachers were checking us all over. Parents have been called and informed if they haven't already heard and they all have been given the right away to come to get their children. So far I've seen a lot of children reuniting with their parents. I've seen a lot of tears shed, I've seen parents break down after hearing the news of the children that they lost. Heartbreak everywhere.

Come to find out, the shooter was a student, he was known as the school bully. Also known as the drug dealer here, I suppose he eventually got mad at someone and finally snapped. But who knows what was in his mind during all of this, or why he did it. Zach, one of my friends had found me sitting at a curb and came and sat next to me. "You alright?" I sigh. "As alright as I'll ever be. What about you?" He just shrugs with a short laugh. "I've been better." I nod in understanding. "I just can't seem to grasp that this all actually happened. It's crazy. And scary." He looks over at me and puts his arm around me. "We'll get through it. Together." I can't help but smile.

Zach has always been the one to keep the peace in the group. To lift people up. To see things in the light. I always try to be that person too, even when I don't know what I'm doing 90% of the time. The world needs more kindness anyway. "Zach!" I hear someone shout. We both look up to see a man walking towards us. Zach immediately runs up to him and is brought into a tight hug. I smile at the sight, as I turn away to give them their moment, I hear a distant shout. "Novah!" I look around at the sound of my mom's voice. "Novah!!" I look to the left and see my mom and Colin both rushing towards me.

Tears I didn't think I had left came rushing down my face again as I sprint across the parking lot to them. My body crashed right into my mom's arms. "Oh sweetheart." I hear her whisper as she presses soft lingering kisses on the crown of my head. I can hear the strain in her voice from her crying. I looked over mom's shoulder at Colin, who has tears in his eyes. I immediately reach for him and bring him into the hug, which he gladly accepts. I felt him put a small kiss on my temple, which causes me to smile. Sure he may not be my biological dad, but he's the closest thing I have to one, and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

They lean back and Scarlett starts to look me over. "Are you hurt?" She asks me. I shake my head. "No, I'm okay. Just shaken up." She nods, and wipes my tears away and kisses my cheek. "Come on baby. Let's go home." She holds onto me as we walk to the car.

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