Chapter 12

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Novah's POV

I had just got done unpacking my stuff. Which didn't take me but a few minutes considering I didn't have much. After stalling for a bit, I finally decided to head downstairs. Once I got to the foyer I heard music coming from the kitchen so I headed that way. Once I got there I saw Scarlett dancing a little. I just stand there for a bit with my arms crossed just watching her trying not to laugh. Colin's sitting at the counter drinking tea and notices me but stays quiet as he realizes I'm watching her. She eventually turns around and jumps and lets out a little scream as she see's me. I can't help but laugh a little, but Colin let's out the loudest laugh I have ever heard which only made me laugh harder. Scarlett just rolls her eyes playfully. "I didn't hear you come in." She says as she turns back around and continues doing what she was doing. "I was gonna say something, but it was too entertaining to watch you do whatever you were just doing." She scoffs. "What do you mean? I was dancing." Colin and I look at each other giving a 'is that what she calls that?' Kind of look. "Yeah, right. Dancing." I mock. She turns around and playfully glares at me while pointing a spoon at me. "Don't make me come over there." I put my hands up in surrender.

Since I've been with Scarlett we've gotten a lot closer. But I'm still keeping my distance. I don't want to get close and get my hopes up just for it all to fall apart and get myself hurt in the end. So we obviously aren't as close as I'm sure her and Rose are. Speaking of Rose. Where are her and Cosmo? "Hey, where are Rose and Cosmo?" Scarlett turns to me and sets down a plate full of food on it. "I went and dropped them off at your Nana's house before you got here." Colin answered. "We thought it would be best to wait a bit before introducing you to them. That way you could settle in. They won't be back tomorrow but the day after." Scarlett finish's for him. Well that's considerate of them. "You didn't have to do that. This is their home after all." Scarlett and Colin look at each other for a moment as if having a silent conversation. "We know that sweetheart. But let's not forget that this is your home now too. You deserve to settle in and get a bit used to your surroundings before the real chaos begins." Scarlett try's to end the sentence by lightening the mood.

I had just gotten done eating my dinner and started to wash my plate. "Oh you don't have to do that sweetheart, I can do it." I shake my head no, "no it's okay. I've got it." Colin then comes over and lightly pushes me out of the way with a smile. "You and Scarlett go find something to do. I'll do the dishes and then join you." I wanted to protest but thought better of it. I didn't want to start an argument my first night here. So I followed Scarlett to the living room. "So, what do you want to do? We can watch a movie, or play some games...?" I shrug. "Either is fine."

Scarlett then decided for us to watch a movie. Colin soon joined us and snuggled up with Scarlett. Halfway through the movie I kept feeling my eyes grow heavy. It was getting harder and harder to keep them open, so I decided to let myself succumb to sleep. The next thing I know, I can feel myself being moved around, not fully awake, I open my eyes slightly and notice Scarlett carrying me. I soon feel a soft platform under me and a hand lightly caressing my forehead and then a kiss added to it. "Goodnight my sweet baby girl. Sweet dreams." I hear quietly.

I woke in the middle of the night with a cold sweat, screaming and crying. I flinch when I feel someone touch my face, I look over and see Scarlett beside me with a worried look on her face. I could tell that she was talking, but I couldn't understand what she was saying, it was all muffled. "It's okay baby, take some deep breaths." Her voice finally breaks through and I realize I'm hyperventilating. "Is it okay if I touch you?" She asks. I nod my head letting her know it was okay. She pulls me into her arms and lays my head on her chest over where her heart is. She guides me into taking deep breaths until I start feeling better.

Scarlett starts to push her body away from mine to look at me but I just hold on to her tighter. "Please, don't go!" I whimper. She holds on to me tighter. "Okay, okay, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm right here. Shhh, shhh. It's okay." She rubs my back and lays us both down. I can feel her voice vibrating through her chest as she hums. Which lured me back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later still feeling tired, so I snuggled more in bed, when I felt someone rubbing my back and a kiss pressed to the crown of my head. I open my eyes and realize I'm laying on top of Scarlett with my face pressed against her neck. I completely forgot that she was here. I thought she would have left after I fell back to sleep. I look up at her embarrassed. "Sorry." I whisper as I try to get up but she just holds me tighter. "No, it's okay. I'm not complaining." She grins. "I love cuddling with my babies." Cuddling or whatever they call it is definitely weird to me. I'm just not used to it, I'm not much of a touchy feeling kind of person, I like my space. But, I don't mind right now. It feels nice.

"Umm hate to break it to you but uh, I gotta use the bathroom." I say. She groans loudly, almost like a little kid. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom before she can get ahold of me again.

When I later came downstairs, Scarlett wasn't down here yet. But Colin was, cooking breakfast. "Hey kiddo! You showed up just in time. Breakfast is ready." We sat down and started eating, to hungry to wait on Scarlett. "So Novah, what kind of stuff do you like?" I froze a little bit expecting him to ask me anything but soon recovered. "Umm, I like video games... and sports, and I like to draw." I pause thinking it over. I'm not really sure what I like, I haven't really thought of it before. Lame I know but thats all I got. "Really? That's pretty cool! What kind of stuff do you draw?" I shrug. "I don't really have a preference. I draw all kinds of things, people, animals, fantasy type stuff and other things." He seems really interested in what I'm telling him. Which reminds me of Scott Lang from the Avengers.

"What's your drawing type? Like, anime, cartoon, realistic or other." I hum. "I don't really have a specific art style. But I mainly draw cartoon, but for the past couple years I've been working on realistic." He smiles. "Well you'll just have to show me your drawings sometime. Of course only if you want to." I smile and shake my head in agreement. Before he could ask me anymore questions, Scarlett wakes into the kitchen. "Good morning!" She walks past me and kisses my head then kisses Colin. Which I just roll my eyes playfully and look away.

For the rest of the day, Scarlett, Colin and I spent it doing fun things together. Like, playing board games, watching movies, we even went to the park where Scarlett and I met. Scarlett and Colin took turns pushing me on the swing even after telling them I could do it myself. But they wouldn't take no for an answer. I slowly felt like my inner child was healing, and it was thanks to them. And whether I admitted it to myself or not. I knew that it would continue to heal.

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