Parted Ways

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Eight Year Later

Renai's eyes parted widely by the first sensation that made to her senses, a screechy scream. She hastily hoisted on her saggy mattress and next finding the door of her servant quarter barged open which revealed a fuming Gaia with a pair of shoes in her hand.

Gaia stomped closer to her and hurled those shoes that smacked against her chest. Clammy mud smeared on her bare chest. Renai grabbed them and meekly looked at her. "W..What happened?" Her heart lurched watching her cousin redden to burst into fury.

"Why didn't you polish them last night when I told you? You know what I have to face in front of my friends and their mutuals? They laughed at me. Because of you...because of these shitty shoes. How can you be such an irresponsible bitch?" She screeched and trudged closer to punch her, which landed on her back as she tried to dodge it. Renai hissed as her struggle intensified when she hovered over her.

"I..I am sorry...I was washing clothes, I couldn't...I...I...stop..." Renai tried to reason between the rain of punches that Gaia gifted her.

"That is why you need a good lesson so you would not forget again," Renai tried to toss her to the other side with her feeble hands, but Gaia now sat on her chest, pinning her hands above her head with one hand and the other came for another slap.

"I couldn't go school because of you," She slapped again, earning a whine from her.

"You are such a bitch, I fucking hate you! Some fucking freeloader! I should kill you," Gaia's hands went for her neck and the next she was strangling her with full force. Renai's mouth desperately gasped for air, her frantic heartbeat was ringing in her ears, she hysterically tapped on her shoulder but only received an evil snicker.

When her face started morphing blue and her eyes almost gave up, Gaia withdrew her hands and smirked. Renai coughed and pulled gulps of air to fill her lungs. Gaia alighted from her after jerking her face the other way.

"You should be thankful I spared your life because I don't want to end up a slave like you, otherwise you would have been long dead by now," she sneered and winked at her when Renai's glossy eyes darted at her.

"Now get your ass up, mom is calling you for the deliveries," She said and slam-shut the door, flinching her whole inside.

Renai's eyes were on the ceiling when a tear tumbled down from the corner of her eyes. Her legs were numbed like every time when she thought the next moment would be her last moment. But fate liked playing with her. Death wasn't coming easy to her. She had been meeting her death angel for eight years but never in that span of time, it took the privilege to take her soul away, as if the angel enjoyed watching her in this miserable state.

She considered killing herself many times but the witch would not let her die. She would bring her back and torment her until she would forget the word escape.

"Renai! Don't make her come to you!" A voice came as a reminder.

Renai tightly shut her eyes which caused tears to leak even when she willed them to stay back. With a heavy breath, she tossed the thin blanket and leapt out of her mattress, striding outside. Her room was near the stable so every time she walked past the horses, they always neighed at her sight to be patted, but today she walked away without paying them any courtesy.

Renai tried to scamper but the sprain in her ankle wasn't supporting her action. She saw her aunt standing outside the entrance of her house when she reached their home. Celina sized her up with scathing eyes and scornful uplift of her eyebrows. Renai's eyes shot to the ground as she found herself amiss to match her gaze.

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