Handed Back To The Devil

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It had been two days to the incident, but ever since then Arinia and Renai had grown impeccably close to each other. They already had started acting like a mother-and-daughter duo. Renai couldn't stop appreciating her presence. Every night she would narrate her fairytales and the little one would end up sleeping on her shoulder. They talked, played, ate, and slept. Almost stayed side by side. It was like both lonely souls had found a home finally. Renai even taught her different hairstyles as she had lusciously long strawberry blonde hair, it had become their favourite pastime so far.

Apparently, it seemed the kid was yearning for affection but in reality, it was Renai who needed her closeness more than she ever needed her breath. This kid was unconsciously mending her broken pieces. This was the first time she had felt better after weeks of torment.

It was evening. Both the parents were off to their duties. Renai and the kids spent a playful evening and now, both kids were dozing off. Nero was on the bed whereas Arinia preferred sharing the mattress with Renai. She lightly raked her fingers on her scalp as the girl cherished her sleep. Renai looked down, a smile hit her face. She was sleeping like a log with her tiny lips parted.

Renai bent her head and placed a soft peck on her cheek. Her heart fluttered. She couldn't ask for more when she was here, and the fact she needed someone of her own, she was grateful to call her own.

Renai blinked twice and leaned down to place her head beside the girl. Arinia's head was on her arm as she ran that hand on her back and the other in her head while pondering over something. After a few minutes, she finally closed her eyes and forced sleep to come to her but within a second, her eyes flung open when she heard the doorknob turning. Fear crept inside her. She pulled the girl closer and waited with bated breath.

Just as Mary came into the picture, she released her breath and loosened her hold on her. "Oh, the kids are asleep," Mary noticed as she put a fabric bag on the slab. Renai untangled her arm and rose in a sitting position on her hands.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun," Renai replied, rubbing her eyes.

"I can see it from your face," Mary smiled, glancing at her worn-out features while drawing items out of the bag.

Renai stretched a playful smile and shook her head lightly. "Yeah, they tire me out but they are the cutest," she admitted.

"You are good with kids," Mary remarked as she opened a cabin and lit the stove with rocks. It was a hustle, Renai hated this since forever.

"Yes. I love kids and luckily, they love me too," Renai replied while stretching her head.

"I can see that too,"

She chuckled and got up to step into the bathroom to wash her hands from the bucket containing water. She came back and took vegetables from her hand for cutting. She settled on the chair and completed the task while they both exchanged words.

"By the way, I was thinking lately, you didn't tell me how you ended up here. What exactly happened?" Mary glanced at her as she narratively asked. Renai passed her the bowl and licked her lips, feeling her heart taking a shoot toward the moon. Mary noted the nervousness through her paling complexion.

"You can trust me. Your secret will be safe with me," She replied, stirring the contents in the cooking pot while keeping her eyes on her.

Renai flicked her eyes at her and drew them down. She bit the rim of her lip and wrung her fingers. "It's not what you think it is. I have not committed any crime but I just...I want to go back from where I came, I don't belong here," she replied.

"How did you end up here?" Mary asked, curious but worried.

"I was tricked by..." Renai trailed as words failed her. She swallowed the pain down her throat when the faces of Madrix, Felecia and their daughter stormed into her mind. Tears burned her eyes. They tricked her into this trap. She wondered if they were guilty of what they did to her. And even why?

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