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J U L I A N   W E S T B R O O K

Julian's eyes are steady on the digital clock as 7pm hits. He sighs frustratedly. It's becoming all day that he hasn't heard from Celai. The last thing she said to him was that she made it to the hospital for her check up and that was a little before ten that morning. He doesn't want to admit he's worried about her because he rarely let anxiety attack him, but that's the case today.

The front door opens and Julian sits up from laying down on the couch. Nyomi rolls her eyes when she sees him. "I thought you'd be gone by now," she says, putting her bag down.

"Wowww. Crazy how you treat me when I made burgers for you and Trey."

"You did?" she says as she turns toward the kitchen.

"Mind you, this is after I got back from the gym," Julian adds.

He watches Nyomi follow her nose and she finds herself walking to the kitchen. "Thank you Julesss," she says when she sees Julian's burgers, quickly switching up and even throwing in a bit of a baby voice.

Julian shrugs her off, mumbling, "I'm not appreciated."

Nyomi ignores him and warms up her burger. Then she sits beside Julian, now not bothered that he's still in her home. "What have you been doing all day?" she asks before taking a bite of her food.

"Studying the Bible," Julian says, which is only half true; he had intent to, but he was using their mom's old Bible and whenever her words in a hot pink colored pen appeared in the margins, Julian found himself going down memory lane. He had a good day, with that being said.

"How was your day?" he asks. "Slow day at the shop?"

"You know it. But Demi stopped by for a bit to get her hair trimmed. That was interesting."

Julian notices the creepy smile Nyomi is wearing and he raises an eyebrow. "What's going on with your mouth?" he asks.

She elbows him lightly. "Why didn't you tell me you two worked it out?"

"I thought you would've known by now that I forgive and forget pretty easily. After I let her down, that was the end of that."

"Julian, don't lie!" she says with a smirk.

He shrugs with his hands. "What are you talking about? Lie about what?"

"She told me you were gonna wait for her," she says like she's telling him a secret.

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"Stop playing dumb, she told me everything. She said that she has her own demons and that you said she should get herself in check before looking for somebody else."

Julian shrugs. "What does that have to do with me waiting for her?"

"You were playing the piano and she asked if you would teach her one day and you said maybe."

He drops his arms and he sighs hard. "Why me, God?" he questions, though he knows he shouldn't have and the conviction he receives confirms it.

Nyomi elbows him again. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone."

"I'm not talking to her," Julian tells her.

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