Ch. 5- Lizzie Needs to Chill

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You may be wondering: Jacaranda, where on (insert world) have you been? Why haven't you updated this in like a month?

And the answer is, school has just really been kicking my butt. Plus some other projects have been taking up a lot of time. I was also feeling a bit burnt out of writing.

But now I'm back! As of right now, it's 10:30 pm and I am SUPER motivated. I have finally finished writing this chapter, plus I made a new cover for this story!

TWs: Mentioned death, badly-written shipping, negative self-talk, a single swear that is censored, and talk of ghosts and such

 Lizzie's kingdom was coming along... alright-ish. It was in the middle of the ocean, and currently consisted mostly of several giant lily pads. The central one had a campfire on it, and a secret underground base, which Lizzie was living in. The only other lilypad with anything on it was the one by the edge, which was a graveyard. Lizzie's first and only citizen was interred there. It was a parrot, who unfortunately fell into the campfire by accident. Lizzie didn't do a murder!

The rate at which Lizzie was building was embarrassingly slow. It wasn't helped by the fact that Lizzie kept on getting distracted. It wasn't her fault that the king of the neighboring kingdom was so... nope, Lizzie wasn't continuing that train of thought. Nope. No secret crushes here. She definitely wasn't just thinking about Joel's gorgeous face...

Lizzie was startled out of her thoughts by somebody using an elytra to land next to her. It was Joel. With his stupidly gorgeous face.

"O-ocean's blessings, King Joel!" Lizzie internally facepalmed at her own awkwardness.

"Hello, Lizzie! I wanted to check on you to see how everything's going with your new kingdom." Joel smiled, and Lizzie's brain just completely malfunctioned.

"It's- ga- ba- no-, it's uhh going f- pf- p- perfecl- it's going perfectly fine, thank you for asking!" Lizzie babbled, feeling like an idiot.

"Uh...," Joel's face had a worried expression. "Are you okay?"

"Wh- well- um, I'm fim- FINE!" Lizzie said. "Just for some reav- REASON, I'm having a diffr-difi- difficult time speaking today." Lizzie took a deep breath.

"Oh, is that something that happens often?" Joel asked.

"Well, not that I can remember." Lizzie sighed in relief after successfully saying a sentence. "Oh, good, I think that's done."

"That's very good." Joel smiled again and Lizzie got a VERY funny feeling inside.

"Can you just QUIT DOING THAT?!" Okay, maybe she didn't mean to use that tone.

Joel looked shocked and slightly hurt. "What, smiling? I guess if you don't like me, I'll leave." As Joel turned to fly off, Lizzie realised that she just entirely ruined any chance she might've had with this guy, as well as potentially ruining all diplomacy between their kingdoms. Of course, a guy as good-looking as Joel probably wouldn't've loved a weirdo amnesiac like Lizzie, anyway. No, she doesn't have a crush! She just wants to salvage the diplomacy.

"Wait!" Lizzie called after Joel. He turned back to face her. "I didn't mean to yell at you! I just have... a headache! So I was feeling a little off. But I'm fine now!"

"Okay, I'll stay." Joel grinned, and Lizzie felt her face get very warm. From the sun! "As long as that 'headache' stays away, of course."

"Yeah, my he- my headache." Lizzie cursed herself for her crappy excuses. A headache coming and going that fast?

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