10. Sky

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"They say love is just a game~ they say time can heal the pain~" by Enrique Iglesias (Song-Don't you forgot about me)

"Mrs Jeon"

It was the very first time after months that someone referred to her as Mrs Jeon, so she guessed it would be something from Jeon Jungkook.

"Tell him Anna I don't want to see anyone!" she said to Anna who was taking care of her for the past 2 months to heal both physically and emotionally.

That incident was not as simple as slitting her wrist and getting over her life, it costed her the death of her unknown child and all of her emotions except hatred.

Now she was staying at a quiet 2 bedroom aprarment that she rented and Anna was a her friend she got from the hospital where she spent 2 weeks following that event and she visits Areum every now and then to check up on her.

Currently Mr Richards was standing in her living and wanted to talk to her and by chance Anna was also visiting her and she was the one letting Mr Richards come inside or else that poor man would have returned from the door like always.

"Areum listen to him already, he has been here almost everyday I guess!"

"No Anna you don't know anything.."

"Shh just listen to me and get over with this emotional set up already. Don't you have to move forward in life? Or be lazy in this place forever?"

"I guess I will just die here by myself then!"

This ragged Anna

"Get up already you silly girl, I don't want to hear any of your rubbish"

"scold me how much you want but I won't move" she was stubborn

*okay die then" she had it

... Back in living room

"sorry Mr Richards she doesn't want to move an inch from her place"

"it's okay Ms Anna, thanks for being there with her. I will take my leave then. But can you please pass these papers to her?"

"okay sure" she took the papers from Mr Richards and placed them on the tea table

After seeing Mr Richards off she went to see Areum in her room giving her the envelope that her just left


"What's this?"

"Mr Richards left it for you!" She tossed the enveloped towards her which she didn't even took a second looks at and threw it somewhere in the corner

"listen Areum, I won't be visiting you for the next few days. I mean a month maybe cause I will be out on a medical camp" that saddened Areum a bit though

"but I will call you every now and then and you should promise me to have your meals and meds on time, okay?" she was worried for her friend more like a little sister to her which she always wanted to have

"okay!" she said, hiding her sadness though

Anna gave her a hug before leaving and again she was left in her secluded place. With tick tock of the wall clock and noise of wind which was annoying her a bit now so she stood and closed the window.

Laying back on her spot to continue staring at the sky as if asking a thousands of silent questions from someone but all silent.

This has been her routine despite moving to go to the restroom or to eat her food twice and sometimes once a day to keep her alive. She was not planning another suicide any time soon. Becuase she thinks she got punished for trying to take her own life by loosing her child which she didn't even knew existed with her. She was not ready for any new punishments from above. But she lost interest in her. She detested herself for Al the things she have been involved in. Jungkook was true to his words and he erased all data on her family the last time they met, which was 2 days after she gained consciousness and he came to inform her that he fulfilled his deal terms with her as per her desire and left.

Not like she wanted to talk to him or anyone at that time, nor even now or maybe never. Anna was the only exception. Her own familiy never called or looked for her and she knew they will never know if she died just now and her body ends up being deocmpossed without anyone knowing which was dreadful to even think about.

On the other side, Jungkook days were busy in office and nights all silent like hers but in his mind it was her 24/7 thinking how she is, what she would be doing, did she had meals and if she was crying etc.

He was devasted on himself. He knew he burnt his hands by himself by the fire he started out of his evilness. How can someone be as evil as him. Hkw many times he thought he must have committed suicide instead of her that day and would have ended her and his sufferings at that moment.

With last hope of doing something good for, he sent Mr Richards with divorce notice to her stating the end of everything between them and he giving her 50% of his shares and a nice big home with everything to live a nice peaceful life. She only had to sign and give those papers back to Mr Richard that moment or to be present at the hearing of their divorce in 14 days from now. In case she doesn't come to hearing with papers their divorce would be null and void meaning she still wants to continue with their relationship. Which he knew would never happen in ages. So patiently he was waiting for the hearing day to have a look at her for the last time in his life and then he would peacefully part ways with her to never bother her again in life.

Author's lines

What's the definition of life?

Perhaps can not be defined in a bundle of words. Its explanation can be beyond infinity or maybe just one other word which can end its course, yes "Death".

Life and death not a couple but not separable either. Where there is a new life, there is another ending elsewhere. They coexist. But cannot be controlled by anyone. We can only influence life to go our way by our actions but at end its what was planned for us and not planned by us!

Both Areum and Jungkook's life have a lot to see or maybe nothing at all and they mgith end up being dead any moment in future.

No one knows the flow of nature and no one can guess it either. Sky has multiple secrets hidden in it. The secrets which are beyond the understanding of scientists or astronomers. It can serve answers to our most weirdest question and be silent and not responding at the same time as well. Wind's flow, Sun's rays, clouds detour, rain drops, and the nights with distant moon and stars but on the same canvas.


When someone gets deep into the complications of life, the simplicity of life stays on the surface which can always be touched but need a jump back towards the surface by the swimmer himself and no one else.

Thats is what Jungkook and Areum should be doing to get back to the surface. Back to making things simple again. Becuase simplicity is relief, relief is peace, and peace brings happiness and joys of life with it!

P. S. Don't worry this sorry is not ending yet. ;-]

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