11. Hope

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"Mr Jeon since your wife didn't came and you seem to not have known of her position regarding this divorce. We presume she doesn't want separation and still wants to give a chance to your relationship. With that we conclude this hearing session"


Not expected by Jungkook at all. He was waiting for Mr Richards call whom he had sent to her to check if she is fine or living at the same place or moved somewhere else.

After coming out of the court he was seated in his car all by himself becuase Mr Richards left on his own though he insisted him to take the car with him but he got himself a cab to Areum's Palace which was at an hours distance from the court.
Jungkook's PoV

He must have reached by now but why no response from him, is she fine?
Author POV

He started his car's engine and thought of driving towards Areum's place.

He was in the middle of the way when he hit a call for an unknown number which he picked with immediately


"Hello Mr Jeon its Mr Richards here"
He Recognize his voice in milliseconds

"yes Mr Richards I was waiting for your call, what happend is everything alright?"

"Sorry Mr Jeon, I got in an accident while I was on my way to Ms Areum's place."

"how are you? Are you alright now?" he was worried for Areum but now he was worried about Mr Richards safety as well as him being the closest to him since his childhood

"yes sir, but I just got a few stiches in my arm but I lost my phone so couldn't contact you earlier."

"it's alright Mr Richards. I will send a driver to the hospital to pick you up, I suppose you are in Golive HP right now?" Golive being in the midway he knew he much have been there

"yes sir! I will just take a cab and get back"

"No Mr Richards just wait for the driver he will be there to pick you up" with that he hung up, called a driver from home to gi and pick up Mr Richards and speed towards Areum's place

"God knows what she is up to! " he thought to himself


Bell ringing ~ he has been standing outside her door for the past 5 minutes ringing her door's bell constantly but no answer. Next he thought of forcing himself in or calling for some rescue team when the door opened suddenly revealing a person in his vision which was a more thinner and lifeless version of his previous Areum with dishelved hair and wearing a long one piece dress that came below her knees

Both stood there silent for who knows many minutes before Jungkook broke the ice and started the conversation

"can I come in"

"No" and she was about to shut the door at his face when he held it by his hand further forcing himself in and her to move backwards

"I said no, no means no. N O" she spelled no like that

He was now standing in her living and she still by the entrance door

"why you didn't came today?"

"I don't wan to talk to you just leave"

"not before I take my answers"

"OK" with that she left to move towards her room which he guessed and moved with her before she could close the room he was already in with her

"why you can't leave me alone damn it?"

"Areum why didn't came today?"

Before she could say anything else he saw a brown enveloped tossed in a corner and surely unopened and sealed like it left from his sight days ago

He was surprised

"Areum don't tell me you didn't saw that envelope"

Now she looked at the envolpe towards which Jungkook was pointing his finger at

"that thing, what is it about? Any new deal from your side?"

Hah that's what she thought about it!

"no girl a divorce agreement!" Jungkook said sitting in her bed placing his head in his hands thinking of this unexpected situation

"Divorce papers?" surely she thought at one point that the envelope might have a divorce agreement in it but she was still least interested in opening it

"what's the big deal about it, I can sign and give it back to you now" she said and moved to grab the folder from he floor and trying to open it

"no use now!"

"what?" why? "

" today was the court hearing and you neighter those papers were present there so the case got nullified"

"You cna file those again" she said taking the papers out and looking for a pen to sign them *as if it was that easy for her to get separated from him (he thought looking at her actions)*

"we can't file it again before 6 months"

"ohh" okay send new papers I will sign them"with that she tossed the papers casually towards the bin without even giving it a read

"is this what you really want?" he asked her more specifically wanted to enquire about her feelings towards him and their relationship

"I guess this is what we both want that's why you sent those papers. Isn't" nicely turning the question sbck towards him

"Areum.." he stood up standing in front of her

"what are you doing?" he asked her

"what? Nothing."

"exactly doing nothing is the problem. What are you doing with your life? Is this some sort of way you are punishing yourself?" he asked looking sadly at her weakened figure

"if you are done you may leave now!" she had enough and now was back in reality and ready to enter in her secluded state

"No! I won't leave. I should have done this sooner but today is not a bad day either"

She was least interested in him or his talks

"Areum, cant you give me a chance?"

This made her look at him with a doubtful expression

"what kind of chance? To ruin my life once again?"

She was right, how can she trust this man not in this lifetime at least

"Areum, I am going to die in a month!"

That was a sudden and breaking news to her

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" she knew this man can make such jokes

"no I am serious. I felt I could live without you but today looking at you in this state, I feel like I will die in a month or even in a few upcoming days by the burden of the sins I committed by ruining our lives"

She laughed. A hysterical one!

"oh Mr Jeon Jungkook, why don't you get into being a comedian. I will surely come to your shows"

"Areum I am serious! You don't know how hard the past months were for me. I realized my mistakes and I want to mend things with you. Please give me a chance. Last chance?"

Areum had "No" written all over her face

Next thing she heard made her boil in anger

"please of not for me for our unborn child? Who left us becuase of my sins?"

"get out!" she said calmly

Without saying another word knowing how bad this situation may go Jungkook took his leave but to come back soon to plead again for his forgiveness and.... His life,.. a life with her! The love of his life!

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