Given Sick Mafuyu (❓)

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Sick/Little : Mafuyu
Caregiver : Uenoyama

Warning : Depression, S×lf Harm, Vomit, Overworking


Mafuyu has always been thinking about Yuki ever since his death, now being in a relationship with Uenoyama he's been trying his hardest to not have things end the same way.

Unfortunately with school, the band and work, Mafuyu has brought so much stress to himself, he's not been sleeping and unable to focus on anything.

Uenoyama has noticed this, but tried not to worry too much. Until today, Mafuyu came to the studio, looking lethargic and his cheeks were rosy red.

Despite it being a very hot day, Mafuyu was wearing a jumper for some reason. Uenoyama went to Mafuyu who suddenly fell into Uenoyama's arms.

Uenoyama : '' Sato! H-Hey are you okay? Jeez your burning up. ''

Akihiko and Haruki looked at the both of them with worry. Mafuyu grips onto Uenoyama's shirt and looks up at him, tears dripping down his face.

Mafuyu : '' U-Uenoyama...''

He sobbed, rolling up his sleeves and revealing the cuts on his arms. Uenoyama picks up Mafuyu and holds him close, shushing him and playing with his hair.

Mafuyu : '' I-I didn't mean to... I'm sorry.. please forgive me. ''

Akihiko told Uenoyama to take Mafuyu home, which Uenoyama did. Taking Mafuyu home and putting him in bed, Mafuyu had fallen asleep in Uenoyama's arms.


When Mafuyu woke up, he looked around in a panic, covering his mouth, he didn't see Uenoyama anywhere and he couldn't get out of bed in time so he rolled over and puked onto his bed.

Uenoyama came into the room.

Uenoyama : '' Eh?! Mafuyu! ''

He grabbed the trash bin and rushed to Mafuyu, he placed the bin under Mafuyu's chin and Mafuyu kept puking.

Uenoyama frowns.

Uenoyama : '' M-Mafuyu..''

Mafuyu cried as he finished getting sick.

Mafuyu : '' M' sorry! Bad Sato, m-mess.. ''

He says in almost a baby like voice, crying and sobbing.

Uenoyama : '' No no your not bad. Hey look at me baby, your not bad. ''

He kissed Mafuyu's head and sighed softly, carrying him and bringing him to the bathroom to get him cleaned up.

Mafuyu kept crying. Uenoyama wasn't sure what to do to get Mafuyu to calm down so he called Akihiko and Haruki over to help him.

Akihiko and Haruki came over, they were worried about the two younger high schoolers, Mafuyu and Uenoyama were both naked in the shower, Mafuyu wouldn't stop crying or clinging to Uenoyama.

Akihiko got a towel for both of them and Haruki went to make some food for them.

Akihiko and Uenoyama got Mafuyu into some comfy clothes and Mafuyu had finally stopped crying but kept clinging onto Uenoyama.

Akihiko : '' Interesting. Uenoyama, I believe you may be dealing with a younger headspace of Mafuyu. It seems this may happen when he's sick. ''

Uenoyama nods, he managed to pry away Mafuyu from him and get dressed himself while Akihiko took Mafuyu to the kitchen so he could eat something small.

Haruki had made a light soup for Mafuyu. Mafuyu stared at the soup but refused to eat, when Uenoyama came into the kitchen, Mafuyu made grabby hands to him.

Uenoyama chuckles, he sat down and fed Mafuyu a few spoonfuls of soup but Mafuyu soon gagged and covered his mouth.

Akihiko quickly grabbed the trash bin and handed it to Mafuyu. Mafuyu shook his head, not wanting to be sick again but still gripping onto the trash bin for dear life.

Uenoyama rubbed Mafuyu's back and soon Mafuyu brought up what he had just ate as it splashed into the trash bin. Uenoyama frowned.

Once Mafuyu finished getting sick, Uenoyama gave him some medicine before taking him to bed and cuddling with him softly.

Mafuyu was feeling better after a few days.


Words : 628

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