❦ 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰 ❦

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The next morning, I woke up with determination flowing all over my body. The sun didn't even bother me today. I hopped out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

After I did what seemed to be my morning ritual, I went downstairs to find Brook. I knew where nothing was in this kingdom, so he had to be my guide.

I barged into his room and pulled back the curtains that darkened his room. " Rise and shine, we've got a long day ahead of us."

Brook searched for his glasses miserably in the now brightened room. "Your highness, what are you going on about?"

I gave him a joyous smile as I helped him out of bed. " I think I know who I want to be my wife."

Eventually, Brook finally seemed to be fully awake from the news, "Oh sir, that's wonderful news! Who is it? "

"It's a man named Monkey D. Luffy," I said with such devotion.

"But sir, have you not known that you can't marry Princess Shirahoshi's maid?"

I sat down and waited for an explanation. "Why can't royalty get married to a maid?"

I could hear the aggravation in Brooks' voice. "My lord, sir, there is no other explanation besides that he is of a lower class than you are."

I felt it was a waste of time to stay in his room if he wasn't going to help me with the love that made my heart skip a beat. Therefore, I left the room to let him enjoy the rest of his morning.

I had to take a moment to stop and think. Who would be willing to help me find Luffy? I figured that if Luffy was Shirahoshi's maid, then she could tell me where he lived. So I went back to Brooks' room and asked him to show me where Shirahosh was.

He was a bit dubious about showing me the way to her room. However, it's not like he could dismiss me even if he wanted to. It was his duty to be sure that I had the most satisfactory experience here in the Ryugu kingdom. even if it meant ignoring his own values.

When we got to the room, he told me to mind my manners when speaking with her since she's a little sheepish . I swore that I wouldn't say or do anything that would have hurt her feelings, and only then did he open the doors.

But then there was another set of doors. He told me it was for protection. I guess I understood since she was the most beautiful girl in the world and there had to be people trying to get to her.

He shut the door after I got in, and I walked to the other door. The hallway was spacious and icy, almost like there was ice waiting for me on the other side.

I turned the knob, which led to her room. I stepped in, and a fearful scream echoed down the hall. There was Shirahoshi standing in fear. She was one of the most beautiful women I've seen.

I proceeded to approach her slowly, trying to show her I wasn't there to harm her. "You're Princess Shirahoshi, right?"

I wasn't sure if this was the right way to approach her because all she did was yell at me. "Who are you!?"

She wasn't being rude, she was just scared, and to be honest, I couldn't blame her. I would also be terrified if some random man came into my room. So I took the nicest approach I could.

I stopped walking and bowed down. "I'm Prince Trafalgar D. Water Law."

"Oh... My father did say you were staying here for a few days...", she said as she backed away.

"Trust me, I mean no harm to you. I just have one question for you. "

She seemed reluctant to listen to a word I had to say, but regardless, she agreed to hear me out. "Okay."

I softly smiled at her. "Thank you. Do you know where Monkey D. luffy lives?"

Her face lit up, showing that she was getting used to me. "I do... but why?"

"I met him last night, and he seems like a wonderful person. I wanted to get to know him better. I hoped that she would agree to help me on my quest. If she hadn't, then I would have reached a dead end.

"He is a lovely person." She took a moment to think while I mentally crossed my fingers. "fine...i'll show you to his dwellings. "

I let out a sigh of relief. I thought she wouldn't help me. "Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me. "

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice cheekily asked.

I looked at the person and my heart dropped. It was rosinante. He was smiling in such a euphoric way that it almost made me want to cringe.

I was perplexed by his words; there was nothing that caught my attention that he could be so happy about."What are you talking about?"

"Well... your little lady friend is in a nightgown and she's kinda blushing, so I'm just assuming," he said, all the while he kept his cheery smile.

It seems that we both noticed that she was in her nightwear. She screamed, and I blushed while I retreated from the room with rosinante.

Rosinante still kept his smile while I took a moment to calm down. I swear on my mother's dead body that I'm not a pervert.

It took much longer for us to actually leave, thanks to rosinante who still thinks we have something going on. I shrugged it off and went on with my trip.

Shirahoshi was still flustered from earlier, but thankfully she still helped me find my way. I tried to comfort her by telling her that I didn't think of her in that way. I'm not sure she was even listening to me.

After thirty minutes, we made it to a village by the name of Foosha. I helped Shirahoshi out of the carriage and we walked down the sidewalk.

I wasn't sure if I was just paranoid or something, but I got the nagging feeling that I was being watched. It wasn't even a feeling, it was what was happening. The people in the village stared and bowed down at us.

It didn't bother me at all, but I got a bad feeling that someone was watching me. I didn't want to scare Shirahoshi, so I kept the feeling to myself. The poor girl already suffered enough today.

She tapped my shoulder, and I focused on her to see what she needed. "Is something the matter?"

Shirahoshi pointed to a clothing store that read "Nico's boutique," and said, "he should be in there."

I nodded and we walked in. There were thousands of clothing racks and about five people shopping. Shirahoshi took my hand and showed me to the back, where Luffy was supposedly working.

In the back with four women mending dresses. One looked up and one of them immediately stopped what she was doing to greet Shirahoshi.

The orange-haired girl took Shirahoshi's hand tightly and looked up at the much taller lady. "Hey, Shirahoshi! It's been a while! "

Shirahoshi smiled, "It has, it's just I've been busy."

The blue-haired girl looked at me, who stood there waiting for Luffy. " Who is he?"

Shirahoshi turned to me. " This is King trafalgar D. water law."

The women, who were so chilled out a few moments ago, went into straight servant mode. They all formed a circle around me and bowed down before me.

"Don't do such a destitute thing; a friend of Shirahoshi's is a friend of mine." I didn't want them to be so formal with me, especially since I didn't want the whole world to know that I was here. But I did really mean it. If someone who was friends with the person who was helping me was now considered a friend of mine,

They insisted on me trying on the most formal clothes, but I declined. I wasn't here to shop; I was here to confront the man I saw last night if he was here.

Just as I lost hope of him being here, he came through the door behind me, out of breath and clearly tired from rushing to work. " I'm so sorry, I was-" he paused at the sight of me.

I went to him and took his hands. The women behind us gasped in shock. I didn't pay attention to them because this was just between me and Luffy.

I asked the question which would determine whether or not I actually had a chance with him. "Have you found a man for yourself?"

To respond, he looked down at the ground in shame."I have not..."

The world seemed much nicer with that out of the way. All we had to do was go on the date and get married as soon as possible. "Then please, will you join me for dinner tonight?"

Before Luffy could answer, a man with red hair came in with a fowl scowl, which was pressing itself on me. He dropped the pile of wood on the ground and flounced towards me.

"What the hell are you doing with him? Leave him the hell alone," he said, eager to get me away from Luffy.

I'm not one to be disturbed by profound language, but when a scowl like that faces me, it sets a fire in me. I let go of Luffy's hands and stood strong against the man who buffed his chest at me.

I decided to act on the coolest impulse I had, since I didn't want to scare luffy. "I didn't do anything to him, I was just having a word with him."

He held onto my wrist tightly and said, "Are you sure about that? It looks like you were doing more than 'having a word' with him, or so you say. "

I smirked at him, "Really, maybe you should get your eyes checked then."

He seemed to have met his tolerance for me because we stood close to one another while keeping a stern eye on each other. Luffy broke off the stare by standing between us.

"Please don't fight,..." He muttered before pushing us apart softly.

The sweet innocence and pure sadness Luffy's voice is what stopped me from sending the redhead flying like a bee. We both stopped and turned the other way to avoid facing each other. All I wanted to know was who this guy was and why was he so protective of Luffy?

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll see you guys later. He apologized and left with the man who changed my whole mood.

Shirahoshi said goodbye to her friends and left with me. She tried to make me feel better on the ride back, but I was actually pissed off at this guy.

We made it back to the palace, and I left the carriage to go for a walk to calm myself. Shirahoshi tried to stop me, but I told her that I wasn't going to do anything besides walk. She finally let me go after two minutes of fighting.

I walked in the garden, which was at the back of the palace. I felt at peace with myself being alone and away from people like the redhead. I swore that I would make Luffy my wife, and I still do, even if it kills me.

I looked around my surroundings. It was quite spacious. The garden was huge, even bigger than the palace. They must really love nature or something, because it was a lot.

"Big bro, what are you doing here?"

I turned around and there was Lami. She wore a light blue dress which flowed in accordance with the wind. Her eyes showed true concern for me, which I had no clue why. It wasn't like I was going to harm myself.

"I just needed to clear my mind," I answered.

"I bet..." she took a seat next to where I sat. "All the people here traveled all over the world just to see you..."

It seemed to bother her, so I asked. "Does that bother you?"

She was honest about it. "Kinda, it's just you're the only person that really knows me." and when you get married, I might lose you.

I brought her close to my chest and comforted her. "Don't worry, you'll still be my favorite person in the world."

She giggled, "If you say so..."

She had no reason to fear. I would never replace her. Not even if I wanted to. She was that good of a sister to me.

Sooner or later, I would have had to tell everyone who the bride was to be, and when it came time, I just hoped I would tell them that it was Luffy. I was also breaking one of the morals I guess, but love is love, isn't it? So why not get married to the one you love?

Me and Lami went back into the palace. It was almost time for me to actually get to know some of the people there. We met up with Rosinante half way, and we walked together to the living area.

Rosinante was still smiling about the incident in the morning, while I found no humor in it at all. We were just having a conversation, nothing more. I didn't find it hard to comprehend.

Rosinante walked closer to me, invading my space. "So law, you and Shirahoshi"

"Shut it."

"What's going on with Big Bro and Shirahoshi?" Lami asked while she tried to catch up with us.

"Your brother and shirahoshi were caught in the morning and he's embarrassed about it," Rosinante said so proudly.

Rosinante was just being himself, but it was honestly so annoying. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I let him give false information about what happened in the morning.

We got to the living area shortly, and I was relieved. I didn't want to hear another word about me and Shirahoshi. We sat down on the couch and waited for the princesses to come in.

Like the previous night before, they were all boring and had the same interests. But I'm not going to lie that my answers were biased. I had already chosen who I wanted to marry, and no one with a puffed up dress and a face full of makeup was going to change my mind.

After I "got to know them," I went to my room. This day was disappointing. I didn't get any closer to Luffy than he was yesterday. It was mostly because of the guy with red hair. And he's an alpha. That's probably where my hate towards him came from.

While I sat on the chair in the room, someone came in. I couldn't see who it was because it was dark and there was a wall, so until the person turned the corner I wouldn't see them.

They did eventually turn the corner, and there stood Luffy with a basket of laundry. He hummed a sweet tune while he fixed the curtains and dusted off the shelves.

I wasted no time. I sauntered to him. "luffy-ya"

He was startled by my voice. I guess he didn't notice that I was here. He dropped the basket and bowed down on his knees.

"I'm so sorry for earlier your highness, the man you saw was no one more than a carpenter."

I held my hand out to help him up, "I paid no mind to him, I was only there to speak with you."

He hesitated but took my hand. "What is it that you wish to speak with me about, my lord?"

"Would you be interested in going out with me tonight?"

"It would be an honor, your highness," Luffy said with a sunny smile.

And like that, I got a date with Luffy. It was fairly easy, not like he's an easy man to get. I could tell he was playing me.

Which is why I couldn't have found a better person to be my wife.

𝕀 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕤 𝕄𝕪 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖❈『𝒍𝒂𝒘 𝒙 𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚』Where stories live. Discover now