❦𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱❦

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(The Shakespearean disapears)

As night approached everybody settled down Into the castle and into their rooms, or so it hath seemed to the new maid. Luffy finished writing the letter for his boyfriend and wast getting ready to beest on his way so that he couldst handeth It to a messenger. That wouldst mean entering the unfamiliar “town”.

The night was still young so Luffy didn't have to worry about his safety too much besides getting glances from the upper class snobs but he'd hath grown used to it by now.

After he hath changed out of his maid Attire and into his regular clothes he tooketh his reticule, the letter and some money. As he hath walked down the dark but spacious hallway he couldn't help but noticeth the guards that were once there when he first arrived were no longer there.

That wast clearly unsafe and the small maid couldn't help but bethink that he'd beest safer out of the castle then in due to the lack of security.

When Luffy hath reached the gate the gatekeeper who wast unknown man tooketh out his keys and hath Opened the gate.

“Where art thee heading?” the gatekeeper hath asked.

“To a messenger to sendeth this to mine boyfriend”, Luffy responded while showing him the envelope the letter wast in.

“Ok, but while thou art out, look around and behold round for the king, he's missing, We aren't too worried since he's done this before but if thee seeth him please bringeth him home, the guards art looking everywhere for him,”, the man hath said as he left the gate open enough for luffy to walketh through.

Luffy nodded and madeth his way down the road to the unfamiliar “town”.

When luffy finally madeth it, it wast nothing liketh he expected the “town” to look. It was bright and lively. The amount of people on the streets rivaled the amount of people in his Village.

Luffy stoodeth in shocketh before Snapping backeth Into reality.  Then he bethought about where the messenger couldst beest.

After not coming up with any solid ideas the maid hath asked a few people for directions and for once they didn't stareth at him liketh he wast a talking pile of trash.With the help of the townspeople he reached the messenger who wasn't even at his post. Instead though he was at an underground bar.

Luffy hadst never been to one but he's certainly hath heard of them since his brother Ace works at one.

The Bar wast a little hard to findeth but he inevitably hath found it and he wast alloweth in. He looked around the full bar and wenteth to the only man in the room with a messenger uniform. He poked the man's shoulder to get his attention.

“Um pardon me…art thee…shachi?” Luffy hath asked while holding his belongings tightly.

The messenger nameth Shachi nodded and responed with a snarky tone,Yeah wherefore?”

Luffy looked at the messenger and his 2 friends. the one in the one with his backeth facing him kinda looked familiar. He shook it off and handed Shachi the letter,“When you have the timeth, can thee deliver this to a man that yond liveth in the Ryugu kingdom, his nameth is Eustass kidd And he hast red hair” he instructed while also handing him some of the money he hath brought with him.

Shachi accepted the money and tooketh the envelope before turned his attention backeth to the two men in front of him. He got their attention and the man who hadst his backeth to luffy hath turned to him and that's how luffy found the missing king.

King Trafalgar D. Water Law wast at a bar with the lower class, wearing clothes the lower class wouldst, and drinking from an inexpensive bottle of some typeth of Alcohol. If it hath been brook here instead of the maid who knoweth what he would've hath said to Law and his companions.

𝕀 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕤 𝕄𝕪 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖❈『𝒍𝒂𝒘 𝒙 𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚』Where stories live. Discover now