❦𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔶 𝔪𝔢❦

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After Luffy left me alone in the room, I hurriedly went towards the closet and picked out clothing that I found suited the theme of our date. I changed into something vogue but not too vogue to the point where people question my social standings. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable, and as I did so, Brook came in with "good news.".

"sir! sir! I bring thee good tidings." brook announced.

The older man got a hold of my hands and swung me around. I wondered why he was in such a fine mood.

I said to him, "Shine some light on me so that I may share in thy's exuberance."

"Neptune found thee a maiden your age " Brook replied.

I became bored with Brook's presence, thus I gave him a task to make him depart from me: "Send her back to where she was begotten for I found the one I find great fondness in."

"Ye hast such poor feelings." Brook scoffed under his breath before he left to do my bidding.

I finished preparing myself for Luffy after Brook left, and I then left to meet my forbidden love. I picked up flowers and met with my man, who further told me where Luffy wanted to meet. I thanked Bepo and left for Luffy's village.

Like everywhere else, it was dark when I arrived in the village. However, as soon as I dismounted, I noticed Luffy walking toward me, holding a candle. I embraced him, bowed to him, and kissed his hand. Despite my poor vision, I could tell he was blushing.

He helped me up and walked me to his house, where he lived alone. When we got to his house, he let me in and sat me down at the dinner table.

As we ate, we talked about our childhoods, and I expected it to be entirely different than what he explained to me. He told me that he started working in the palace ever since he was 8 years old; his family was poor, as a result, they needed every family member working. but slowly, things got better the older he got.

Every word that came out of Luffy's mouth sounded like an angel spoke it. I slowly got lost in the conversation; the longer I stared at him, the more I felt myself being drawn to his bubbly personality and infectious energy. It was as if he had a magnetic pull that made it impossible to look away or not be captivated by his words.

But then he came to a halt and apologized, "I'm sorry, I've been talking the whole timeth."

"It bothers me not, for thy voice is as an angel's," I proceeded to say. "I am enchanted by the melody of thy voice, and it fills me with a senseth of peace and tranquility. Thy words art liketh music to mine own ears, and i couldst hark to thee speaketh f'r hours on endeth "

Luffy giggled as his cheeks flushed red. "Thank you; nevertheless, don't you find me repulsing?" he inquired

"No, you art anything but repulsive. I find you breathtaking and elegant; my eyes have never fallen upon such a pure soul such as yours, and I ask if thou will marry me." I took his hand and looked into his eyes, waiting for his response with bated breath.

Luffy stood up from where he sat. After he took a deep breath, he replied to my proposal, "Law, I find you very charming, but I cannot marry you, for we barely know each other."

I felt a lump form in my throat as he spoke, but I knew deep down that he was right and that we needed more time to truly get to know each other before making such a big commitment. I thanked him for his honesty and agreed that we should take things slow. As we parted ways, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us.

As I walked away from the small house, I remembered that I had no way of knowing if I was walking in the right direction. Thus, I returned to Luffy's place to ask him to guide me to my horse.

As I drew closer to his house, I noticed that the door was open. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should knock or just walk in, but then I heard Luffy's voice coming from inside. He sounded like he was in distress,and without processing another thought, I rushed in.

There he was tied up on the ground. I quickly untied him and asked if he needed any medical attention, but he just seemed shaken up and grateful for my help.

"Let's go; they're going to come back," Luffy pleaded with fear radiating off his eyes.

I nodded, picked him up bridal style, and ran. I knew we had to get out of there fast before the people luffy spoke of came back. As we ran, I could feel Luffy's grip tightening around my neck, and I promised myself that I wouldn't let anything happen to him.

In the dark, Luffy led me to where my horse was. But as he gave me instructions, his voice grew progressively softer. When I got to my horse, I helped Luffy mount; after I climbed aboard, and we rode off together.

I chose to give Luffy some space and take in the scenery as we traveled to the palace because the ride there was silent and I could tell he was deep in thought. But he clung to me tightly, almost as if he didn't want to let go.

As soon as we arrived, I helped him down and told him to follow me in. He seemed hesitant at first, but eventually he took my hand and followed me into the palace. I could sense that he was still uneasy.

When we entered my room, I let him lay on my bed while I undressed in the bathroom. As I could tell, he needed some time to unwind and feel comfortable, so I made sure to give him some room and privacy. I asked him if he wanted to talk about what happened when I emerged from the bathroom a short while later.

luffy He hesitated for a moment before finally nodding his head and agreeing to have a conversation about it. "After you left, those men immediately came in,..."

I began to feel guilty after hearing his words. I began thinking about what would have happened if I had known my way back to my horse and if I didn't turn around.

"What did they want?" I inquired.

"One of them said they wanted to mark me and bring me to a brothel," Luffy replied as his voice began to weaken.

I stood up from my seat and sat down next to Luffy, from where he sat on the bed. I embraced him in my arms and told him. "I won't let them hurt you as long as you let me protect you."

"Thank you, Torao..." Luffy said to me before falling asleep in my arms.

I smiled softly, holding Luffy close, and said to his sleeping body, "I'll always protect you, Luffy. You can count on me." I kissed his forehead before lying down and drifting off to sleep with Luffy on my chest.

𝕀 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕤 𝕄𝕪 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖❈『𝒍𝒂𝒘 𝒙 𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚』Where stories live. Discover now