⭒Feminism turning to Men Hate⭒

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Very disappointed to see some people turning Feminism into "Men-Hate culture"

Every now and then i keep coming across accounts here talking greatly about feminism and yet straying away from "Gender Equality" and turning it to a society of biasedness. What's the use when you're yourself doing discrimination in name of feminism ?!! Feminism was made to protect and support those females who were discrimated and not allowed the freedom and human rights equally. It wasn't made to hate on the male gender just coz a few in your life had hurted you.

It's completely nonsensical, when you write "Hate books" and Hate poems against the entire community of men. It's ok to feel angry coz of some, but we aren't supposed to hate an entire gender out of it, like I've been seeing some ppl in social medias going lecturing "all boys are stupid. Nobody should love boys, only women deserve love. Boys should treat women right, but women don't need to do this, coz they're made perfect"

At the end of the day it's humans who suffer, not "boys", not "girls" -

People found spreading hate against any gender or racism in this community will be immediately blacklisted strictly, no more warnings, so try to avoid doing something which may make you lose your reputation. Just coz you don't do it in our books but do it just on ur bio n posts, doesn't means we'll not blacklist you. People who are into such mindsets and also those who do racism, aren't worthy of any respect, to be honest. If anyone finds such an account who's a member of this community, report to us immediately.

We're not supposed to support people who are creating chaos out of their toxicity. Do we?

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