Law Change

816 15 9

I slowly walk home after my shift at work, I'm tired, and my body aches from the strain. I pull myself forward, knowing I need to get home and sit down. Food will be good to help me settle and unwind.

I turn as I see a car pull in beside me. There aren't many people out at this time, especially on this road. Everyone knows this is human terf. I keep walking, ignoring the strange fancy blue vehicle.

"Hey, Valor, did you hear the news?" I stop as I recognize the voice coming from a rolled down window.

It's getting dark, and the wind feels cold. I groan and shiver in my thin work clothes. I really want to get home before the storm hits.

"No, Draino, I didn't, I was working! You know I work a lot more now..." I say, rubbing my cold hands, bringing them close to my body.

I look around and see the autumn leaves almost fallen off the trees. I need to build some savings for the winter to afford heating. It gets so cold in winter. Getting out to work will be hard. I'll get sick again if I can't afford wood for the fire.

"Want a ride, I've got the heating on?" The blue tinged man I begrudgingly call a friend offers.

I look away from his smile and frown. I know he's just asking to be nice, but I'd rather not rely on him too much.

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though," I say, putting a big smile on my face as we wave to each other.

He pulls out onto the road tooting me, and I sigh as I see his car disappear into the distance. I can't let him think I'm just some helpless human. I can't let him think us humans are helpless.

I feel a strong gush of wind blow against me, and I'm reminded of my rush to get home. My cold and shivering body makes me wish I had bought my coat. It's getting so cold and dark this time of night.

I kick a pebble as I make my way up the road. I let out a slight cough covering my mouth with my hand. I quicken my pace and am soon at my home.

It's not much. In fact, for what I pay, it's horrible. But it's home, and it keeps me mostly warm and dry. It's certainly better than the street.

I sit on my wooden chair in what makes a poorly furnished kitchen and switch on the radio. It takes a moment as static plays, but I eventually get the late news report. The host, as usual, is a Franus, one of the monster races we live alongside.

"Hello, citizens and Flita." her voice sounds bitter as she mentions my race, but I keep listening.

"As I'm sure you're aware, there have been discussions around with to do regarding the human population." She pauses for a moment, almost as though waiting for the next prompt.

I don't like this presentor. She's so slow and never seems prepared. I pull my chair in closer and turn the volume nob up slightly. I should be wary of my neighbors, but I need to know what she means.

"Since many of my fellow Franus have been concerned about the human problem, the council has come to a decision," the lady says, sounding stern but slightly pleased.

I groan in annoyance, wishing it was one of the other presenters picked to give this speech. Surely anyone would be better than her, I'm sure I could do a good job of this kind of thing.

"Of course, the Flita issue is a rather difficult one. Their population has been growing rapidly, and their behavior has only been getting worse." I frown at the message hating how drawn out this is but also knowing she's talking a bunch of lies.

"We don't have time to misbehave!" I slam the table as anger builds, and my body aches.

I return to my seat, glad I didn't damage anything or anger anyone with my outburst. Looking around my broken down home, everything is silent besides the radio and my own deep breathing.

The place is really falling apart. The walls were built to be thin. Cold seeping in and making everything horrible. It won't be long now till I'll need a constant fire going. That's gonna be expensive.

"Well, you guys can be glad to know that a solution has been decided on. And it really is a good one!" Her voice rises as she speaks with excitement, I can't tell if it's real or prompted.

I yawn and grab a slice of bread from the bread bin on my counter. It's cracked, and the cupboards themselves don't work, but it's still a spot to store stuff.

"So since humans breed really fast, the government has decided that it's best to set up their own minimum wage. They have to be paid a new wage of 5 credits an hour instead of 15." I think she's going to pause again, but she doesn't.

"This will massively cut back on labour cost for hiring them, and the next part of the legstration will be released in the coming days!" The radio plays its standard tune to say it's switching off for the night.

I feel numb as I hear the new wage ringing around in my head. Even with the increased hours I do, that will only barely cover rent. I won't even have much for food, let alone the heating I'm desperately going to need. This feels so cruel...

I sit there for ages, my mind going in circles somehow trying to make sense of how this could be a joke. Was that a comedy channel I went to accidently? Maybe it was a mistake, and that hasn't been released. Could I just be tired?

"Just what is this..." I mumble finishing, nibbling my slice of bread, then wonder over to my bed.

I fall back on it, exhausted both physically and mentally. How am I going to survive? I start sobbing at the realization that us dying this winter is the point. They want to cut our numbers down.

Written 23 Sept 2022

Published 28 Jan 2023

Edited 01 Jan 2024

1042 words

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now