Gathering supplies ii - the Rouge

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We make it back, and Melda is not happy about how worn out Heth is. She makes him lie down so she can look at his injuries but sighs with relief, seeing they are okay.

"I knew you shouldn't have gone out. What if you had torn your stitches!" She mutters but smiles and chuckles, seeing the box of supplies in my hand.

I place them down on a table, and she ruffled through it, seeming happy by what we were able to collect.

"Got searched by a guard. Luckily, Valor had the supplies on her. The arsehole searched me and then tried to play the sympathy card offering to become my 'guardian'. Like I'd ever accept that," Heth grumbles, getting up and sitting over on a couch with a glass of water.

My face drops at that... he is injured and would get medical care if he agreed. That and he wouldn't have to worry about food and such but then would also lose pretty much any agency over his own life.

That's the reason I left after all...

"Did we get what you needed?" I ask, and Melda smiles and nods.

She grabs a medicine bottle and a needle and fills it with the medication, filling another with something else.

"A painkiller and an antibiotic," she states, bringing it over to Heth, who snorts.

But he raises his arm anyway, and she injects each one without him even flinching. Though I can tell he's more comfortable with the meds as his body relaxes a bit and stretches out.

"Thanks, Mel. I guess I did need that" He says, lighthearted as Melda puts away the medical supplies.

Then we are all startled as there's a banging on the door and Melda has an annoyed, even angry expression on her face.

"What do you want, making all that racket!" She snaps as she opens the door, a woman about my age standing there.

She barges in nearly knocking Melda off her feet. She's looking around, and I reach forward and grab her as she goes for the medical supplies we just got.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask, baffled, seeing Melda fuming off to the side as she shuts the door behind us.

She ignores me, pulling away from my grap and looking through the supplies. Melda comes forward and adds another log to the low fire as she clenches her fists. It's rude to just force your way into someone's home.

Heth stands, and then sits back down again as Meldas eyes glare at him. The woman is taking out various things one at a time.

"So cool, I can't believe you managed to get these supplies! Aren't they like really expensive?" She mutters, and we eye each other considering if we want to talk to her about how we got them.

Heth is the one to talk.

"Yeah, there's a spot in the fence by the supply depot that's broken and can be used to access the supplies there" He states and she nods her head with a hand holding her chin.

The woman places the box down and sits down on a seat with her hands crossed over her chest. It's annoying how confident she seems even with her small frame. Her blond hair just below her ears and a pair of pants and shirt on.

"So when are we going back? We need to get more stuff the help people around here. People are suffering!" She declares and stands pumping her fist up in the air.

Melda sighs, Heth looks curious, and I cringe. If we take too much, it will become obvious, and we'll have a target on our back. It's not good to make enemies of the Franus.

"We can go again in a few days, let the heat cool off a bit," Melda states, which only seems to annoy the woman.

She heads over to Heth, and he perks up as she starts talking with him about something. I move closer to hear as they talk.

"Let's go tonight instead, when it's dark and we can be more hidden," the woman states to which Heth nods.

Great, I guess those two have a plan.

"I'll come too, I guess. What's your name anyway?" I mutter, which makes her laugh.

The woman brings herself to a mocking kind of bow. Raising her head, she replies.

"My name is Scarlet, and I'd like to join you in your plot to overtake the government and free us Flita from the oppressive Franus!" She declares in her overly dramatic voice that's just a bit annoying.

Melda looks to her annoyed. It's not like us Flita could even do anything to overthrow the government, and who knows how the Franus would even react to such an act.

"Don't be daft, we must not anger the Franus." Melda snaps, and the two start glaring at each other in annoyance.

Both Heth and I are pretty uncomfortable. I don't think he likes conflict either, though I guess him and Milda have some history already, though.

"We could still help by sneaking in to steal small amounts of supplies," I state awkwardly, hoping to ease the tension in the room.

Melda and Scarlet look away from each and neither says a word as Melda starts making some food, a basic stew that we can stretch out for a few days.

"My little brother died recently to the cold... I don't want to lose anyone else," Scarlet mumbles, and I barely hear her, so she speaks so quietly.

I guess she's grieving and it's not easy losing family or those you care about. I give her a small smile and she smiles back.

"I'll help how I can" I say quietly hoping to give her some comfort and it seems like she does need somewhere to stay.

"Don't bring any heat here Scarlet or I'll have to make you leave" Melda scoffs as she serves up four servings of stew.

We should get some food supplies to distribute and have here if she's going to let us stay here. I'm sure we can get plenty with the three of us going!

1030 words

Written 25/12/23

Published 31/12/23

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