Making a choice

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It's not long after that I see Draino and Tandry hug, and both of them head towards the front door. Is she leaving now? Good, I don't want her here. Her near constant gaze is unnerving.

"Well, it's been nice spending time together, Draino, but I should be heading off," I hear as I get up and walk towards the door with them.

Draino opens the door, and I follow as they head through the yard to the gate. Maybe I can see how it works. Then I can figure out how to get out of here.

"Yes, I'm sure Valor wants to settle down for the night soon. She's been struggling with getting used to being here, and you're the first visitor I've had, " He mumbles, and they both smile as I frown.

They haven't even spoken to me... it feels really weird and lonely. Not that I want to talk to them, but I don't really like being ignored either.

I hate it here!

"I'll talk to mother and father and explain the situation. I'm sure they are eager to come and meet Valor, but I'll tell them she still needs more time to settle in, " Tandry says happily, and both her and Draino are smiling.

In contrast to the frown and near scowl on my own face. It's annoying seeing them so happy as they discuss my future, a future I have really no control over. Not while I'm here anyway, as Draino picks and chooses what happens and how I can spend my time.

My hands hurt, and I notice I've clenched my fists so tight my nails are digging in. Taking a deep breath, I loosen my hands and watch the two of them.

"That sounds good, Tandry. I appreciate you offering to talk with mother and father. I keep meaning to you know, but things have been busy, and I've just been focused on looking after Valor. " Draino responds, and I roll my eyes as he pulls her in for a hug.

The sun is starting to go down, and Draino is right that I want to go to bed soon. That and the snow around is starting to make me cold, though the coat helps.

"Hey, it's getting cold. Can she go now!" I groan, shivering slightly, a bite in my voice as I snap the words out.

Tandry returns the hug, and I move closer as Draino brings his hand up and over to a keypad. He looks to me with a slight look of humor before pushing some buttons.

"Alright, Valor, though you could have stayed inside," He chuckles, and I hear the sound of the code being accepted and the gate unlocking.

Bingo! 378937

That's the code... now just to wait.

"See you guys next time. Good luck with her Draino, and you be good for my brother Valor, " she says happily, heading out the gate, Draino waving to her as she waves back.

The gate shuts again, and I nearly scream as furry fills me. How dare she speak about me like that. That Draino needs good luck with me, and I need to be good for him.

She doesn't even know me!

I don't wait for Draino to go back to the house as I repeat the sequence in my head. I'm inside and have my coat off before he even gets in the door. I can tell he wants to speak to me, but I turn my back to him.

"Valor, hey, look, I know she's a lot, but she really does mean well." I hear him say and take a deep breath.

I need to bide my time if I want to succeed. Losing my temper won't get me anywhere. Except looked in that room I sleep in that is... I don't want to be trapped in there again.

I steady my expression and force my body to loosen up. He relaxes and gives me a smile, holding out a hand for me to take. I frown as I stare at the hand as though it were some kind of dangerous weapon.

"What?" I mumble, feeling confused and not knowing what he wants.

He chuckles, and I gasp and cry out as I'm picked up and carried in the air. My eyes wide I try and squirm, but I'm placed down quickly and recognize where. My spot by the window... My spot. And he's sitting her now, too.

"Are you alright, Valor? You seemed pretty stressed today, and I know my sister can be pretty intense, " He asks, and I can feel my heart racing as my body is held against his side in a weird kind of cuddle.

I try and keep my body loose and relaxed as hard as it is, but he seems happy with it anyway. I just want to yell and scream, maybe break something, but it's not going to help.

"I'm alright, I just want to go to bed," I say, faking a yawn, slipping out of Drainos grip just as he's patting my head.

"Okay then, good night, Valor. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine, " He states, and I quickly close the door as I enter the room I've been sleeping in.

Pulling my knees in tight as I slide down to the floor, I feel tears fall from my eyes. I don't sob, even though I want to. I don't want Draino to hear, and I need to listen out to make sure the door doesn't get locked.

I hear footsteps for a bit, and then it's silent. Taking a deep breath, I get back up and hold my hand on the door for a moment. To my relief, it turns and opens without trouble. It's not locked.

The front door opens with the same level of difficulty, so none and I grab my coat. It's definitely colder than before and will be cold if I get out of here. I certainly won't have a nice warm building to go back inside of.

But then at least I can make my own choices... and this is one I have to make.

I steel my nerves and storm over to the gate, seeing my breath fog up in front of me. It's cold but I don't care, at least if I freeze I'll be free.

The keypad is a bit higher than ideal, but the code goes in without trouble. The numbers accepted, and then the gate opens.

Letting out a deep breath, I take my first steps outside of Drainos control since I collapsed all those days ago. It feels like a lifetime, but it's the life I know.

1100 words

Written 07 September 2023

Published 01 October 2023

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