Differing opinions

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Just as I thought we distributed the last of our extra supplies to another group, then left to go back home. There were no kids this time, and they were thankful for the supplies, a lady even giving us a small crafted item as thanks.

"Let's head back," Melda says, looking between each of us as the knight of the day has moved over the ground.

We all nod and move to follow behind her. Moving past a few groups, they wave to us with smiles on their faces. The family with the child seeming much less hostile.

The kid really needs some kind of shelter, though...

Getting back inside, Felix seems pissed. He was annoyed on the way, but now he seems about to explode.

"It's not right! It's the stupid Franus fault that kid is like that!" Felix snaps, and everyone looks to him shocked.

It's not like I don't agree, but what use is there in getting angry. Melda and Heth share a look, and Scarlet moves closer to Felix.

"Look, we are all tired. Why don't we all get some rest then discuss what we are going to do next?" Heth states, and Melda is heading to the fireplace.

She puts both some wood on the fire and puts a kettle on the burner. I guess she's making us cups of tea, going on like was cold and stressful.

It's nice being back somewhere slightly warmer. Though at least there wasn't any rain or wind to make being outside any colder.

"No, we need to discuss this now. It's important!" Felix snaps, and Melda turns slowly an unimpressed look on her face.

Heth doesn't look very impressed either and places a hand on Meldas shoulder as though to calm her. She takes a breath and then shakes her head.

"Kid, I know you're young, but we really can't rush this," she states, seemingly trying not to let her anger come through.

Scarlet takes a seat, her eyes on Felix, and the tension is thick as water as the room is silent.

"I think Felix is right, and we should do something," Scarlet states suddenly, and Melda lets out a sigh of frustration.

"We aren't talking about this right now. We have already done a lot," she states, picking up the kettle as it starts boiling and pours water into cups with tea bags in.

She passes us each a cup, and I bring my hand to my face as I let out a yawn. Of course, it's contagious as everyone else starts yawning, too, as we all sip at our drinks.

"We need our sleep if we are going to do anything to help people," Heth states, trying to break the awkward tension settled over the room.

Felix still looks angry as he drinks his tea but has gone mostly quietly sitting beside Scarlet. I feel a bit like an outsider, really. Stuck between the two worlds.

I just want everyone to be safe, but I don't know how to help. I think I'm doing good by going along with these plans, but what if things go wrong. At least Melda doesn't want the group to do anything drastic...

"What about you Valor, you've been oddly quiet!" Felix states, and I mumble and stumble some nonsense as everyone looks my way.

I can't respond. I don't even know what to say about all this. I really don't even want to be drawing attention from the guards or have the anger of the Franus on me.

"Um... I think we should keep doing what we are doing, I guess." I finally manage to force out, though it feels really awkward and unconvincing.

No one really seems impressed by my answer. I guess Scarlet and Felix wanted me to agree to do more. Well, mainly Felix... Melda and Heth don't seem to like that. I'm not very enthusiastic about my choice to be restrained about what we do.

"So you're just fine with your fellow Flita struggling as bad as they are." Felix huffs and storms out of the room, putting his mug down on a table.

My eyes snap to him, and honestly, I can't help feeling annoyed. This kid is being so dramatic, even if I can see where he's coming from.

"I didn't say that!" I snap back Scarlet moving between us as Felix starts balling his fists.

He doesn't move towards me, though. He's not angry at me. I know he isn't...

"I don't want to anger the guards. They can be really scary..." I mumble, and Scarlet comes over and places a hand around my shoulder as she sits next to me.

Felix huffs and sits over in a corner with his drink. Heth has been quiet, but I can tell he's been watching and listening this whole time.

"Get some sleep, you two. Melda will likely want to head out again to give medical care to Flita this evening." Heth states finishing the last of his tea in one large gulp.

The three of us finish ours too and find the spots we have chosen to sleep for the night. Well, I suppose the day since the sun's up.

It's a bit hard getting to sleep with the sun up and things light, but I also do feel tired. That and I really don't want to risk getting back onto that argument with Felix again.

He's stopped, but his eyes are wide open as he looks around the room. He even looks to the door occasionally as if expecting someone to come through it.

I doubt we've done enough to really draw the attention of the Franus. But if we were to do as he suggested and storm the capital, I'm sure it would go badly.

I don't think anyone but Felix really wants to, though. He can huff and puff about it as much as he wants, but without the agreement of the group, it won't happen. I doubt he has the skill or ability to convince people to do something so dangerous.

1013 words

Written 31/12/23

Published 31/12/23

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