💖Cutest Day Ever! (Nia X Percy)

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request from SheHadSeenEverything

hope you liked it :D

Also 3 more chapters (inclusing meet the author) because i think i'm in my TTTE phase again since April🤪🤪🤪


The day was over on the Island of Sodor. People coming home from work, closing shops, animals going to sleep under the soon-to-be syarry sky. And some engines as well. Some going back to the sheds, or doing something over-night.

One of those over-night working engines goes by the name of 'Percy'. He's a green tank engine, just like Thomas but he actually considers his actions first before being cheeky and reckless.

Tonight is like any other night, he is picking up mail and delivering them so the citizens of Sodor can receive good or bad news from their mail. As he was waiting, he spotted Nia up ahead. He shouted at her, "Nia!" Percy shouted loud enough for her to realize it's Percy before getting a closer shot at him, "Oh, Percy. What are you doing here?" She asked, forgetting the fact that he's on mail duty every night.

"On delivering my mail, of course!" Percy exclaimed, "What else can i be doing?" He added. But then he got a sudden feeling about something, why din't Nia go back to Tidmouth Shed after such a loooong day of doing jobs? Well, time to found out by asking!

"Wait, why are you not going back to the Shed's?" He asked at her, making sure she isn't suspicious and all. She sighed, for the past few days, she has been struggling to sleep for some reason. And she decided that today's the day that she's going for an all-nighter until she feels sleepy. Maybe that will help. Percy understood what she was saying, he never or barely has a hard time sleeping, but still, he decided to stook by her side for the whole night until she fells asleep.

When he told Nia what he's going to do while delivering the mail, she was happy. Not over-ly too happy but just something in between, "Really?!" She shouted in happiness, "I mean, really?!" She said it again, but quieter. Percy giggled at her actions and soon the two engines zoomed to the horizons, making stops along the way and talking about their different cultures in Africa and Europe.

They were fascinated and was confused by the culture difference. It was interesting for Percy. He wish he was in Thomas's shoes so he can go to Africa. He was a bit jealous at Thomas, too. Thinking he might be a real-life Gary Stu. But then he saw something when he was back to focusing on the tracks, he saw a black baby kitten. He stopped just right in time to not crash.

Nia, shocked, stopped her breaks as well, "What was that Percy?!" He asked, feeling panicked. Percy took a moment to collect himself, "Well, i don't know! It was something black if i could remember-" he was cut of by the world's most beautiful cutest cat ever.

He looked at the cat's big blue eyes. It was the most beautiful he has. The kitten was frighten but one of Percy's driver walked out of his cab and bring it back to the inside of Percy. He giggled at the kitten's big blue eyes, "Haha," he started, Percy's other driver taked a closer look at the big-blue-eyed and felt like his heart is melting. Percy smiled, knowing well the two drivers, are happy just by looking at this tiny cat meowing and looking into their eyes as well.

"We shall look after this cat until we found it's mother." One of Percy's driver exclaimed, "That sounds like a brilliant idea!" The other driver agreed. And with that, with every stop, they will ask if it's their cat. So far, no luck. Everyone kept telling no, some of their children even said eyes just to take it in and make it theirs because of how cute this cat is.

Percy sighed, "How are we going to find this kitten's owner?" He asked at Nia. Nia looked sorry as she was getting some water, her drivers take a good look at the cat for a moment before getting back to the road.

It was almost sunrise and Percy delivered mail all around the island. When he arrived back at the station, feeling misserable that they don't find the cat's owner, "Don't worry, Percy. I'm sure we will find her owner, eventually. Perhaps tonight?" She said to comfort Percy. Suddenly the cat stepped out of Percy's cab and greeted an old man so happily.

"So there you were!" He exclaimed, "Thank you for looking after her when she escaped! My wife will be so happy to meet you again, Blue." He said, feeling like the happiest man alive. Nia and Percy smiled at this sight, and so their drivers.


Also pls leave your requests here. It will mean alot if any of you did🙏🙏🙏

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